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Re: self-descriptions?
> > I agree. I would also prefer that V-initial not be singled out like
> > that.
> Do we know why it is? A relic of some ancient Brownian predilection?
Something to do with the Loglan imperative, I think.
> xe xi pa nu = nu xi pa = nu
> se nu = nu xi re (= su'uxipa = fa'a'a)
> te nu = nu xi ci (= su'uxire = fe'e'e)
> ve nu = nu xi vo (= su'uxici = fi'i'i)
> xe nu = nu xi mu (= su'uxivo = fo'o'o)
> xe xi xa nu = nu xi xa (= su'uximu = fu'u'u)
> i.e. the place structure of nu broda is the same as of nunbroda.
> This would placate me, and since it requires no change to the
> current syntax, and but little undoing of existing semantics,
> I think I might adopt it.
That works for me. {nu} doesn't have defined x2, x3, etc, so it
seems perfectly fine to assume that that is what you get upon
SE conversion.