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Re: disk crash at xiron
I got a message from Jim carter today proposing the following. Feedback
is welcome (I've asked Cowan as well, but don't know who else is qualified
to comment on what can be done)
>From: jimc@math.ucla.edu
>To: Logical Language Group <lojbab@access.digex.net>
>Cc: david@math.ucla.edu
>Subject: Re: serving the needs of Lojban learners
>Date: Wed, 29 Nov 95 09:45:14 -0800
>As I come back from the holiday and find 225 messages in my mailbox :-)
>> 1)beginning Lojban 1 to 1 tutoring
>> 2)Lojban 1 to 1 correspondence at maybe up to 3 levels of
>The proposals look functional, and as far as I know they're feasible webwise.
>It's hard to tell in advance, though. Here's another brainstorm: "let 1000
>flowers bloom". I'm asking David Faraldo, our local web expert, to comment
>on feasibility assuming as is likely that Viejo has a reasonably up to date
>HTTP server. (A mailing list is getting snowed under with technical
>discussions and the idea is to organize it so beginners get the attention
>they need and can find discussions suitable for them. Splitting the list is
>too Solomonic, and also not really feasible for both user and administrative
>We're looking at what I would call a database implementing the archive you
>have described, each record of which has the following fields:
> 1. Lojban text (various lengths, various author competencies). As a
> pragmatic matter, more competent authors would be likely to post
>longer texts. In the technical harangues, field (1) might well be
>left blank.
> 2. English (etc.) text, supposedly a translation of (1), or (1) is a
> of (2), or some kind of comment.
> 3. Thread key. If this is a comment on previous postings, the key of
> original posting is duplicated here. Otherwise a unique key is
> 4. Thread ordinal. To distinguish postings in a thread. Perhaps "1"
> be reserved for the initial one.
> 5. Purpose: e.g. wants constructive criticism on the language usage, or
> this is a comment on flaky semantics of some gismu, etc, etc.
> 6. E-mail address of poster, includes site of origin (?)
> 7. Date.
>In the initial phase I suggest the following capabilities:
> A. A list of thread heads, i.e. the "flowers" that people post,
> beginners' offerings for language help. A count of follow-on
> would be helpful too. More advanced speakers who like helping
> could scan these as you suggested, particularly those with no
> B. A kind of threaded news reader, whereby one thread could be followed
> order, and while each individual readers' place in the thread could
> be maintained without software support at his end, if any such
> it would be quick enough to scroll to the end of the directory and
> up where you left off.
> C. Some kind of garbage collection -- details are fuzzy.
> D. Some kind of topical identification would be real nice but I despair
> getting people to use coherent topic designators.
>For the record format, I would be inclined to have each "record" be a file in
>a directory, and to use field designators analogous to RFC-822, e.g.
> From: jimc@math.ucla.edu
> Date: whatever
> Subject: text for criticism
> Thread: jimc31
> Ordinal: 1
> Lojban:
> ti mupli fi lo se cusku be fo la lojban
> Natlang:
> This is a sample of Lojban text.
>When old postings are taken off the server they definitely should be archived
>permanently, as a corpus of actual Lojban usage, such as it is. If someone
>has a 10^9 byte disc drive, keeping these online (but not cluttering the main
>serverpages) could be useful.
> -- jimc
To which his Web guy responded
>To: jimc@math.ucla.edu
>Cc: Logical Language Group <lojbab@access.digex.net>
>Subject: Re. : serving the needs of Lojban learners
>Date: Wed, 29 Nov 95 11:23:30 -0800
>From: "David Faraldo" <david@math.ucla.edu>
>Seems webwise-feasible to me. The engine would be the tricky part;
>once you've got that, a Web interface could easily be done in Perl.
>I notice a lot of Jim's suggestions could be handled by Netscape's
>built-in newsreader. Perhaps NNTP access to the archive would be
>possible (as a local newsgroup, perhaps). That means the reader
>would have to point Netscape to the archive NNTP server, and it
>would take administrative time, but it'd be nice not to have to
>re-invent the wheel.
>Best of luck --
> -=< David >=-