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Re: TECH: situation types

One brief note.

> Duration
>(achiev v. the rest) is not that important.

I don't see duration as being that much a focus of achievements/point events.
It is rather more aspectual - how you look at the event.  If you think of it as
a "point" between a before and after thant are non-points, then it is a
point event.  In many theories, the K/T boundary wherein the dinosaurs
died out had a duratiion of at least many human lifetimes, but it is still
seen as a point event because we don't concern ourselves with ANY substructure.
As an event, we don't think of it beginning and ending - it just "happens".
That same K/T "achievement" though may come to be looked at under some
theories as having a substructure - say a meteor strike, followed by a
"nuclear winter" phenomena, in which the event is looked at more as a "process".
It is this ability to look at the same event in more than one way that >I<
came to see as being its most valuable feature to the language.  (In spite of
the tomato joke).
