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la .and. cusku di'e

> > (In {Koa krici leduu le broda cu brode} there is an ambiguity,
> > as to who knows which thing it is that koa believes to be a brode
> > - it may be either me, the speaker, or koa. There are ways to rephrase
> > in order to force the reading that it's me who knows, so the default
> > interpretation of the above example should be that it is koa who
> > knows.)

la xorxes. cusku di'e

> The default should be the speaker, because it is not ko'a who is using
> the language. Koha might not even speak Lojban and it still be true
> that ko'a krici ledu'u le broda cu brode.
> To refer to Koha's use of {le broda} you can say {ko'a krici la'e
> lu le broda cu brode li'u}.

I agree with every part of what Jorge says.

John Cowan					cowan@ccil.org
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.