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Re: lojban dialectology

>Yes, but they don't use to have much success :-) In fact, they sometimes
>don't even agree what's correct Portuguese...

And that is the main sign that Portuguese is a natlang.  If the language is
NOT in control of prescriptors, it is natural.

>This gives rise to several questions. What if common usage introduces
>in the language after that period?

Then they won't parse, unless someone develops a non=YACC parser.  We will end
up with a formal dialect and an informal one - the formal one will YACC and be
suitabe for use with computers; the informal one may not be.

>Who's going to update the parser?

Why will there be "the" parser?  Likewise, why wiull there be "the" dictionary.
A natural language does not have a  single standard what what is correct,
and in natural languages, grammars and dictionaries are descriptive rather
than prescriptive.

To be sure, if usage deviates too far from the unambiguous standard, then some
people will no longer be able to do things with the language that they want.
I suggest that this fact alone will militate against too much ambiguity getting
int the languiage.  because a user who finds that his computer cannot
understand someone's LOjban has FAR MORE clout than a Lojban Central that
is doing its best to become a figurehead with no explciit power.