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RET: left factoring

coi lojbo pendo

I'm facing the problem of "left factoring" sumti of the form
"le broda brode .e le broda brodi", I mean, something like
"le broda (brode .e brodi)".

I don't know if it's possible at all. At first I tried
"le broda brode je brodi", which associates correctly, but doesn't
mean the same thing. Any ideas? (Please, NO metaphysical discussion
on connectives!)
.i ki'e .i co'o mi'e paulos.

    Paulo S. L. M. Barreto  --  Software Analyst  --  Unisys Brazil
    Alternative e-mail address: <pbarreto@unisys.com.br>
    Standard disclaimer applies ("I do not speak for Unisys", etc.)
                       e'osai ko sarji la lojban.