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Nick in Greece Update
Lojbanists and doi lojbo je se *lojban*, tlhIngan Hol
Klingonists, greetings bangrtlingana. mi rinsa do HaDwI'pu', *Athina*vo'
from Athens, where I've tu'i la .atinas. noi mi vISaHbogh qaStaHvIS
been for the past two diklo ca'o lepuzi masti be cha' jarvam Savan.
months. li re
I've been busily .i mi vi ba'o tolcando tadni naDev jIvumqu'pu',
studying Greek dialects loi xelso ke diklo bankle Qul Qu'wIjvaD *Greece*
for my thesis here. mu'i tu'a lemi jaspu HolHommey vIHaDtaHvIS.
I've also continued .i mi ji'a ranji mligunka *lojban*, tlhIngan Hol
some work on Lojban tu'a la lojban .e la qelbogh Qu' mach'e'
and Klingon: tlingan. vItaHmoHpu' je:
In Lojban, I've updated .imu'u ra'a la lojban. mi *lojban* qellu'chugh,
my lujvo paper, which cninygau lemi prosa be loi tlhoQmu' pojwIj
John Cowan will modify lujvo be'o noi la djan. vIchu'moHpu', 'ej woQ
for use in the kau,n. ba jai galfi mu'i pabDaq 'oH lo'meH leS
reference grammar, lenu pilno vi le catne gerna 'oH choH *John Cowan*.
which I'm told will be noi ti'e bazi se gubgau tugh nargh pabvetlh
published soon. jIHvaD net ja'.
I have also reviewed .i mi ba'o ji'a pajni tu'a woQ pab ghItlhmey
some of John's so'o catne gerna prosa puS'e' qonbogh *John*
reference grammar pefi'a la djan. vInoHpu' je.
In Klingon, I have .i ra'a la tlingan. mi di'a tlhIngan Hol
continued work on kansa la mark. clsn. ce la qellu'chugh, *Hamlet*
Hamlet with Mark .andrux. streider. no'u la Qu'wIj vItaHmoHpu'meH,
Shoulson and Andrew gu,idox. lenu gunka tu'a la *Seqram* *ghuy'Do* je
'Guido' Strader. xamlet. vItlhej.
For all the text in ro da poi pagbu le xe fanva ghItlh, wImughbogh,
the translation, at zo'u su'o mi'a pajni da 'ay' Hoch noHpu' 'oH
least one of us has poi se finti le drata mughpu'be'bogh wa'ma'.
checked the other's
We would obviously .i mi'a te selneimau le da'i poH latlh law'
prefer much more time, nu ka'e pilno loi balvi wIlo'laH 'e' wImaSba';
but given the adverse temci poi mutce zu'i pe ca 'a nISbogh ghu'
circumstances, Hamlet .i ku'i va'o le fapro tcini wIqelmo', DaH
is essentially ready kei la xamlet. cu bredi narghbeHchoH *Hamlet*
for publication. ba'uru'e lenu se gubgau 'e' wIQorghpu'.
I am leaving for Crete ni'o mi klama la kreten. yupma' leSpoHvaD
for the holidays at the mu'i lenu salci ca le *Kriti*Daq jItlheD
end of the week. candytemci kei ca le ba'o rInDI' Hoghvam.
In January, I will be .i ca'o la pavmast mi gunka qaStaHvIS jar wa',
working on mediaeval tu'a loi midycedra seltcidu *Thesaloniki*Daq
texts in Salonica. vi la tesalonikis. botlh bov ghItlhmey
I will attempt to have .i mi vi ri troci lenu ta'e pa'vo' jIHab 'e'
net access from there; pilno le samclupa .i lenu vInID; jIHablaHbe'-
if I don't succeed, I mi na'e da'i snada cu chugh vaj qay'be',
will be back in nolvajni ki'u lenu mi xruti *Australia*Daq
Australia by the end diklo le sralo ca le tolcfa jIcheghpu'mo' rInDI'
of February. fanmo be la relmast. jar cha'.
A happy holiday season .i .a'o ro do zanfri le yupma' leSpoH
to you all! cando citsi botIvjaj!
Nick. co'omi'e nitcion. *nIchyon* jIH. pItlh.
Nick Nicholas. Linguistics, University of Melbourne. In Greece until Feb. '96.
Normally: nsn@speech.language.unimelb.edu.au
TEMPORARILY (until end of '95): nnich@leon.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr