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Re: misc responses to and

Date:         Sat, 25 Nov 1995 08:37:07 -0500
From: Logical Language Group <lojbab@ACCESS.DIGEX.NET>
jc> >> "Physical" is a sticky notion. There is no problem with "nu" objects
jc> >> that aren't actualized, like "le nu le djordj. .ualas. cu merko gugde
jc> >> ralju" even though George Wallace wasn't ever U.S. President.
ar> >There is every problem with such nu objects.  {nu la djordj ualas cu
ar> >merko gugde ralju} is false.
lb> Why is falsehood a problem?  Lojban is NOT the mythical language where
lb> it is impossible to utter falsehoods.  And it is certainly meaningful
lb> to be able to refer to non-occuring events. To phrase your text one way:
lb>   le nu la djordj ualas cu merko gugde ralju cu na fasnu

{lo nu la djordj ualas cu merko gugde ralju cu na fasnu} means
{da zou da nu la djordj ualas cu merko gugde ralju kei gie da na fasnu},
which is false, since {no da fasnu gie na fasnu}. The problem is that
statements like {xamgu gie nu la djordj ualas cu merko gugde ralju} will
necessarily be false, even if it would have been good if GW were president.
