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Chris Bogart writes:
>Lojban List FAQ      Dec 7, 1995


>2. How do you borrow words from other languages?


>The quintessential example is {djarspageti}, meaning "spaghetti".  {dja} is the
>classifier: it's the short form (rafsi) for {cidja}, meaning "food".  {r} is
>glue: its necessary to keep the word from falling into two parts.  {spageti} is
>the Lojbanized version of "spaghetti".

Is {djarspageti} really the best choice?  I think it understates the effect
of "lojbanizing" the source word, which must be forced to end in a vowel
when it doesn't, as (e.g.) blotyskunri demonstrates.

Of course, "nri" isn't a rafsi, so the comments about ambiguity don't
apply.  Maybe there's a choice which shows both?