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Re: SNU: xorvo

cu'u la lojbab

>I then propose that you propose a type IV fu'ivla.  I will suggest "xrvska"
>as a natural.  The weakness os that it has no rafsi, and that therefore you
>need to ise "zei" to make a "lujvo".  But this also may be remedied by an
>unconvention that is still legal: xrvskagu'e is another type IV fu'ivla,
>as would be xrvgu'e if you really want brevity.

Nope. "xrvska" fails to be valid for two reasons:
1. The initial consonant cluster is not strictly made of valid initial pairs.
2. There is a forbiden sounded-unsounded cluster "vs".
But I understand and agree with what you say.

co'o mi'e paulos.

Paulo S.L.M. Barreto -- Software Analyst
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