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Re: CONLANG: Re: Project for a "lexicon exerciser"

>Have I to wait for someone to come up with "a sophisticated flash card
>algorithm" program for each of them? What about those who have no net access?
>Why not to have a basic engine to flesh up with a handful of words (or an
>entire dictionary, if there is time and mind!) of the language I want to
>practice today?

LogFlash was specifically designed to be usable for other langauges as well.
There are some limitations, but it is a general tool (I used it some in my
Russian studies, for example).  The main problem with any general tool
being applied to specific languages is the devising of the language-specific
data files.  And that is where you will have major problems.  It takes
enormous amounts of time to do a data file that is good for teaching, and
from what I have seen on conlang, i suspect that many of the conlang proposals
that get written never even put that much time into developing the conlang in
the first place.  The LogFlash gismu list file has had perhaps as much as a
half a  person-year put into it, since we made the flash card word list also 
the central focus word list for the whole language design.  Whereas some
conlang proposals seem to get created and forgotten within a couple of months
of spare time effort.  With no particular insult intended, for example,
the more-thorogh-than-average Ferengi proposal has had only a fraction of the
work put into it that any of the Lojban word lists had - and that is for
the whole language.
