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Stability (was: cultural gismu)

la lojbab. cusku di'e

> This actually says something about the nature of Lojban baselines - the gismu
> list baseline,being much older and more firm than the grammar baseline,
> and not the subject of a book, is nearly inviolable as to the baseline
> elements (i.e the keywords and the rafsi).  This can be compared to the
> continued discussability of grammar changes because we haven;t so firmly
> closed the door.  The gismu-list stability is what most of the community seems
> to want before they will learn the language.

Before this causes more misunderstandings, I hasten to paraphrase the last
sentence as:

# Stability of the type that the gismu list now has, is what most of the
# community seems to want in other aspects of the language before they
# will learn Lojban.

John Cowan					cowan@ccil.org
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.