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Re: BEGINNER'S QUESTION: internal sumti

On Sat, 14 Dec 1996, Nick Summers wrote:
> are there any conventions for defining strings of words constituting a
> tanru? Any start/end markers or joining words? Can I just go adding
> words together: 'a big blue dilapidated old wooden Georgian house'?

Two useful rules to get started with:

 - Tanru group left-to-right, e.g.
     merko panpi gumna  = (merko panpi) gunma :
      probably means some kind of group dedicated to promoting
      a distinctively American kind of peace

 - Use ke..ke'e as parenthesis (with ke'e elidable at end of tanru):
     merko ke panpi gunma = merko (ke panpi gumna ke'e)
      A peace group, which is American


(example taken from an error I made, using the first to translate
"American Peace Corps" -- when the latter would have been better.
My corrector suggested that the first might be translated as
"'Pax Americana' corps".  I'm not sure whether it was really an
error I made, or biting subconscious political commentary :-)  )

There's also some connectives you can put between words:
je = logical and, joi = "combined with", etc. -- you'll have
to look in the ref grammar for the whole list...

co'omi'e kris