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Re: na`e
>> > (1) su'o bu'a poi na vreta zo'u le mlatu cu bu'a le stizu
>> > For some <X> which is not "vreta", the cat <X> the chair.
>> >
>> > I think {su'o bu'a poi na vreta} really means something else, but
>> > that's a different story which I'm not sure we want to get into.
>> For "poi" read "cei", which makes everything fine.
>But if "bu'a" means "some selbri 1", then how can it be assigned to a
>specific selbri without "poi"? I thought "cei" was for assignable
>pro-bridi - which "bu'a" isn't - and "poi" was for relative clauses -
>which are one of the few ways you can restrict the scope of a logically
>quantifiable existential pro-bridi.
Quantifiable pro-bridi are an abomination on the language. Fortunately
they aren't needed. Here's a way of doing it with ordinary quantification,
even if it does take a few more words:
su'o da su'o de poi na zo vreta zo'u
da de bridi le mlatu ku ce'o le stizu ije da jetnu
There is some x, and there is some y which is not "lies on", such that:
x is a predication with selbri y and arguments (the cat, the
and x is true.
co'o mi'e xorxes