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Re: Simple Lojban questions

> la xorxes. cusku di'e
> > In fact, the most difficult one would be to translate "my then wife".
> > For example, how would we say: "I gave the cat to my then wife"?
> > Now that I think about it, I don't know whether in {mi pu dunda
> > le maltu le mi ca speni} ca means at the time of speaking or at the
> > time of the giving.
> The latter.  Tenses in subordinate bridi (and a description is
> essentially a condensed form of subordinate bridi) are relative
> to the tense in the main bridi.
> To capture "my present wife" you would use "le mi nau speni";
> "nau" always means "here and now" un-relatively.

I don't remember "nau". Did it come in in the last two or three
years or so? How does one say "pu nau" and "ba nau" - i.e. absolute
past and future?
