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Re: Indirect questions

>  What's a non i.q. way of saying {ko'a na djuno ledu'u
>xukau mi badri} (She doesn't know whether or not I am sad).

And solved this one one or two years ago, but I don't  remember
now exactly how it went.  I think we needed a selbri with the place
structure "x1 is the truth value of x2". I'm tempted to use {se jetlai}
for that:

jetlai  [jetnu klani]   x1 (du'u) amounts to x2 (li) in truth.

Here's another possibility of how to rephrase a bridi with an
indirect question:

                ko'a djuno le du'u xukau mi badri

                da poi danfu lu xu mi badri li'u zo'u ko'a djuno da
                "There is an x that is the answer to "Am I sad?" such
                that she knows x."

Then negating it:

                ko'a na djuno le du'u xukau mi badri

                naku da poi danfu lu xu mi badri li'u zo'u ko'a djuno da
                "It is not the case that there is an answer x to "Am I sad?"
                such that she knows x."

Or, moving the {na} inside:

                ro da poi danfu lu xu mi badri li'u zo'u ko'a na djuno da
                "For every x which is an answer to "Am I sad?" she
                doesn't know x."

This works for any indirect question. For example:

                mi ba jdice le du'u xokau prenu cu klama makau
                "I will decide how many people go where."

                da poi danfu lu xo prenu klama ma li'u zo'u mi ba jdice da
                "There is an x that is the answer to "How many people go
                where?" such that I will decide x."

For example, a possible answer may be {ge re prenu cu klama
le zarci gi ci prenu cu klama le zdani} = "Two people go to the
market and three people go home."


            le du'u ge re prenu cu klama le zarci gi ci prenu cu klama
            le zdani cu danfu lu xo prenu cu klama ma li'u
            _That two people go to the market and three people go
            home is the answer to "How many people go where?" _

            mi ba jdice le du'u ge re prenu cu klama le zarci gi ci prenu
            cu klama le zdani
             _I will decide that two people go to the market and three
            people go home._

co'o mi'e xorxes