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Re: knowledge and belief

la xorxes. spuda mi di'e

> Do you really
> think that a pragmatically minded person will use "know"
> in English for something that is not true?

mi spuda la xorxes. di'e

It _often_ happens that a pragmatically minded person will
use "know" in English for an assertion, the truth value of
which is uncertain.  Indeed, I contend that "know" is more
often used in this way than in _any_ other.

> Actual usage of {djuno} has been like English "know",
> not like English "is convinced".

But you & I disagree on how English "know" is used; we are
therefore quite unlikely to agree on the actual usage of
{djuno}, which you liken to a usage of "know" that I think
is actually quite rare.

> Of course there will always be margin for
> error, that doesn't matter.

Au contraire; that is precisely what matters here.

> What would be the unyielding
> logically minded position here?

I was trying to say that both positions are equally
unyielding.  The pragmatic position appears to be
flexible, but the question of whether flexibility has
value is still in contention; thus, to insist on
flexibility & compromise is to be an unyielding advocate
of the pragmatic position.

co'omi'e markl.