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Re: Summary so far on DJUNO

At 04:33 PM 1/21/98 GMT+0, And Rosta wrote:
>> >3. "Knowing", unlike the official place-structure of "djuno", has
>> >   no "epistemology" argument. [As John has pointed out, this is
>> >   not actually an epistemology argument but a metaphysics argument.]
>>   That depends on your definition of "metaphysics" - as I reported,
>> epistemology is the subcategory of metaphysics dealingw ith how we know
>> what we know.
>I know, and I gather that therefore most of us think "epistemology"
>inappropriate as a label, preferring "metaphysics" = "model of the
>world, of how the world is and works".

I think we'll need a poll to justify that. Metaphysics seems
to inclusive.

Rob Z.
Were it offered to my choice, I should have no objection
to a repetition of the same life from its beginning, only
asking the advantages authors have in a second edition to
correct some faults in the first.
-- Ben Franklin