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Re: Summary so far on DJUNO
I was going to try and respond more on these threads because I think
I see where lojbab's going with this, but the argument seems to keep
degenerating into an emotional cess-pool. All this "incomprehensible
reasoning that is too half-baked to be summarizable", and "postmodernism's
collective arse", seems deliberately insulting to lojbab, and I don't
think any of you have actually attempted to understand his position.
Your feedbacks to his sendings do not seem to match up to his original
messages very well and come off sounding like strawmen. So I think I
will ignore this wholely non-productive conversation and go elsewhere
for a while.
Someone please let me know when shit on lojbab month is over.
Rob Z.
"...That no government, so called, can reasonably be
trusted for a moment, or reasonably be supposed to have
honest purposes in view, any longer than it depends wholly
upon voluntary support."
--- Lysander Spooner,
No Treason: the Constitution of No Authority