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LLG online info
>To: dcorbett%sirius.srg.uucp@uunet.uu.net
>Subject: Re: Introduction Request
>In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 06 Jun 91 08:46:35."
> <9106060846.aa01873@sirius.srg.UUCP>
I'm unable to reply to you direct (all relevant systems disclaim existence
of "Dan Corbett x2040" <dcorbett@uunet.uu.net> and numerous permutations),
and the info is probably helpful to other list readers as well...
Send a message to <langserv@ivory.cc.columbia.edu> containing one or more
of these lines
index lojban
send lojban/gismulist (or whatever filename)
The list of gismu (predicate words) is online, and the cmavo (structure
words) are expected shortly if (when) the electronic publishing policy
is adopted at Logfest (late June).
Better yet, make your tax deductable contribution (preferably large :-) to
The Logical Languages Group,
2904 Beau Lane
Fairfax, VA 22031
Ask for a new members' intro kit and order form (with or without
contribution). The LLG operates on contributions and software/literature
sales, and needs the money.
-- jimc