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Short mystery

                               A  crime
                               lo zekri

.i mi cadzu      pagre             le vorme           le kumfa
   I walkingly pass through the moveable-barrier into the room.

.i lo xadni pe le nanmu cu vreta lo loldi
   A man's body reclines upon the floor.

.i mi viska le flecu be loi ciblu be'o le xadni      
   I see a current of blood flowing from the body 

  Note: I suggest that `flecu' be given the same form as `fall': 
  x1 flows to x2.... instead of the current
  flecu  fec fle      flow       current of/in..flowing to..from..'flush'

.i mi sisku loi sinxa                                   be le zekri
   I seek    signs/symbols of the alleged [i.e., described-as-a] crime.

.i mi viska loi kevna pe           loi danti be lo sefta be lo jubme
   I see      holes associated with bullets in a surface of a table.

.ije mi viska lo nu           loi cukta pu farlu lo kajna 
 And I see the event that a mass of books fell from a shelf

    lo jubme    e   lo loldi
    to a table and a floor.

.ije mi viska lo nu      lo canko cu kalri
 And I see the event that a window is open.

.i mi catlu lo plita ke bartu drudi     noi          le'e prenu  cadzu
   I  look   at the flat exterior roof  which the typical person walks

    [Don't have to say "is able to walk on"!]

.i mi cuska fi la tam.  noi  pulju ku'o
     I say     to Tom,  the policeman,   

    "I think [I opine] the crime person  climbed
    fe lu   pe'i        le zekri prenu   pu cpara 

    le plita ke bartu drudi   le canko pe le kumfa    li'u
    over the flat roof     to the window of the room."

.i la tam. cuska lu ia.            ie.               
      Tom says   "Yes (belief), I agree.

.i ko catlu    le kevna be le bitmu be'o    poi ke'a trixe le pixra
     Look at the cavity in   the wall     which is behind the picture.  

.i le kevna cu vasru lo tanxe 
  The cavity  contains a box

.ije la'edi'u          kunti            zo'e           li'u
   the last referent is empty of something unspecified."

.i la tam. cuska  lu
      Tom  says,

       ju'e         le tanxe pu      vasru              loi rupni li'u
    "I conclude that the box was a container full of a mass of money."

.i mi catlu le vorme pe le tanxe pe le bitmu . 
   I look at the door of the box in [associated with] the wall.  

.i mi cuska lu ba'a   le stela cu porpi 
    I say   "I expect the lock is broken

.i ua. ue               mi faski     lo    za'i        ge lo vorme gi
 (Discovery! Surprise!) I discover that the state of both the door and

    the lock is not broken."
    lo stela na porpi li'u

.i mi cuska fi la tam. fe lu le minra pa ferlu lo bitmu lo loldi 
    I say      to Tom,     "The mirror fell from the wall to the floor 

    gi'a pa porpi li'u
    and broke."

.i la tam. cuska lu pe'i le morsi nanmu pu lacpu le minra lo loldi
  Tom says I think [I opine] the dead man pulled the mirror to the floor

    lo bitmu      
    from the wall.  

.i se'o             mi'a   catlu        lo sinxa      zo'e    poi  ke'a
  I have a hunch you and I are looking at a sign of something that [it]

    is important for the event of seeking."
    vajni                  lo nu sisku li'u

.i la tam. cuska lu       ra'u                ju'e
      Tom said,    "Most important of all, I conclude

    lo prenu poi ke'a pu sazri 
    the person who    operated 

        le stela               lo     za'i      kalri ku'o
    on the lock with the goal of state-of-being open    

    djuno lo nu           kalri sazru le tanxe vorme li'u
    knew the process of open operating the box door."

.i mi cuska lu genai le zekri prenu goi ko'a ge kalri rinka le stela tanxe 
   I said       "If the    thief                  opened the lock box

    gi porpi rinka ri
    and did not break it,

    gi ko'a cu djano  lo nu kalri sazru le tanxe vorme 
    then he    knew the process of open operating the box door.

.ua             ru'u       ko'a catlu 
(discovery!) I postulate   he looked at 

    le se minra            le nu   kalri sazru   le stela tanxe vorme 
    the reflection of the event of open operating the lock box door

    sepi'o      lo darno           ke catlu cabra li'u
    using tool  a  distance-type-of looking apparatus."


    Robert J. Chassell               bob@gnu.ai.mit.edu
    Rattlesnake Mountain Road        (413) 298-4725 or (617) 253-8568 or
    Stockbridge, MA 01262-0693 USA   (617) 876-3296 (for messages)