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Re: Institute Loglan

    While I can appreciate the discomfort of the logli at the term
"Institute Loglan", the many analogies they offer do not seem to me
to reflect this situation.  I like the problem to names of the
versions of the C programming language.  In the beginning, there was
the definitive text by Kernihan & Richie (now referred to as K&R or 
"the white book"), for a combination of technical and political
reasons the American National Standards Institute adopted a different
but closely related definition.  Thus we have "C", "K&R C" and "ANSI C".
I do not have enough documentation to prove my case yet, but I would
expect that any ANSI discussion or document that referred to C would
mean "ANSI C" and that they would qualify it when talking about the
    Similarly, on lojban-list, we feel a need to qualify any statement
that applies only to one or more versions of Loglan other than Lojban.

      thank you,
    Arthur Protin

Arthur Protin <protin@pica.army.mil>
These are my personal views and do not reflect those of my boss
or this installation.