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Jeff Prothero on elidable terminators issue from before LogFest
- To: lojban-list
- Subject: Jeff Prothero on elidable terminators issue from before LogFest
- From: lojbab (Bob LeChevalier)
- Date: Mon, 8 Jul 91 02:14 EDT
The following paper was written by Jeff Prothero as an answer to
criticism of the use of elidable tokens in the Loglan formal grammar.
The argument applies to Lojban as well as to any other version of the
Loglan grammar, provided that the grammar abides by the defining rules
of Bracket Languages (I am not sure that current Institute Loglan abides
by these defining rules - comment is sought from anyone who has such
knowledge.) The reference to GU in the title is to the older Loglan
RightBracket selma'o that in Lojban was re-lexed to KU. The title is
thus a bit of a pun for Lojbanists, since the 'GU' is gone from our
selma'o list as well.
I beleive that this paper answers at least partially the criticisms
raised by various people before LogFest on this list, and would like
confirmation of that belief, criticism of the argument, or other
lojbab = Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
2904 Beau Lane, Fairfax VA 22031-1303 USA
Elidable Terminators in Logical Languages
Copyright {c) 1989 Jeff Prothero
Distributed for comment on lojban-list with permission from the author.
The elision of trailing terminators has been a prime problem for
everyone seriously working to understand the Lo--an grammar. This paper
is a first attempt to deal with this problem. The major questions to
When can terminators be elided?
When would such elision introduce ambiguity?
How does one recover the full syntax of a sentence containing such
The first step is to establish a simple analytical model, which exhibits
the relevant problems without extraneous detail and complexity. We
consider the Bracket Languages BL, defined by the following grammatical
Each grammatical construct consists of a leading LeftBracket token,
a trailing RightBracket token,and some number of substructures trapped
between these two tokens.
Every token is either a LeftBracket or a RightBracket.
No token is both a LeftBracket and a RightBracket.
Every LeftBracket has a unique matching RightBracket.
Note that we do not require that each RightBracket have a unique
matching LeftBracket.
Sample Bracket Language:
start -> bracket | broket | mixed
bracket -> '[' ']'
| '[' start ']'
| '[' start start ']'
broket -> '<' '>'
| '<' start '>'
| '<' start start '>'
mixed -> '{' '>'
| '{' start '>'
| '{' start start '>'
This grammar species the infinite set of strings
. . .
For tersenes, we would like to omit some of the trailing terminators
"when no ambiguity would result". The problem is to formally specify
the latter constraint.
>From a mathematical-linguistic point of view, dropping some of the
trailing terminators corresponds to adding various strings to the above
language, such as:
. . .
How do we specify the full set of strings to be added? Given such a
string, how do we recover the full syntax?
I propose the following Augmentation Rule for adding the strings:
IF "a]Bc" is in the language, where:
"a" is any sequence of tokens
"]" is any RightBracket
"B" is any token
"c" is any sequence of tokens
AND IF "aB" is not a prefix of any string in the language,
THEN we add "aBc" to the language.
Given a Bracket Language BL, application of the Augmentation Rule until
closure is achieved results in a new language BL' which contains BL as a
subset. Let us call BL'-BL "E" (for "Elisions"). These are the strings
added to BL as a result of the Augmentation Rule.
Question 1: Does the Augmentation Rule introduce ambiguities? Let us
make the question more precise. Each e in E was derived from some
parent p in BL (not BL'!) by one or more applications of the
Augmentation Rule. We want to know if this derivation was unique, or if
some such e has two possible parents in BL. Formally: can there exist
a pair <e,p>, e in E and p in BL with p -> (via repeated Augmentation
Rule) e, such that r is in (BL-p)'? If so our Augmentation Rule has
introduced an ambiguity into the language by erasing an essential token,
rather than merely a redundant token.
Answer 1: No such ambiguity is introduced by the Augmentation Rule.
PROOF: Let us assume that such an ambiguity exists. Then either e, or
some other string along the path from p to e, has two possible
legitimate parents under the Augmentation Rule. Let us call this child
c, and the two possible parents p0 and p1. Then we have
p0 == "a]Bc" for some a,],B,c
p1 == "a>Bc" for some > != ], same a,B,c.
Now > and ] both match the same LeftBracket in "a", since p0 and p1 are
both strings from our Bracket Language. But each LeftBracket has a
UNIQUE matching RightBracket, by our definition of Bracket Languages,
hence we must have > == ], hence p0==p1, hence no such distinct
parent-pair is possible. QED.
Question 2: Is a LALR(1) parser capable of detecting such elided
Answer 2: Yes. If "a]Bc" has been reduced to "aBc", then we must
have the condition that "aB" is not a legal prefix of any string in BL.
But an LALR(1) parser has a table which tells it, at any given instant,
the legal set of lookahead tokens. If the current lookahead token is
not in that set, there will be at most one RightBracket in the lookahead
set, by a simple variant of the above argument. The parser can then
insert that unique RightBRacket in its input stream and continue.