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The Lojban Morphology algorithm - comments and workers wanted

I started on this about a year ago, and have done minimal work on it.
Neither John Cowan nor I am quite pleased with the algorithm as defined,
though it does seem to properly define how to break a phoneme string
into words.  Of course there seems to be no way to turn this into anything
like an LR(k) algorithm.

Thus I put this on the floor for our formalists and computer scientists to
tackle.  Can anyone find a better, clearer, or more elegant way to handle
Lojban text algorithmically, or even to describe the morphology formally?

lojbab = Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
         2904 Beau Lane, Fairfax VA 22031-1303 USA

                       Lojban Morphology Algorithm
                          Trial 2 - 8 July 1991

Assumption - Text string of transcribed phonemes and stress.

1.  Because a pause is always a word break, process chunks of text that
end in a pause.  Mark word breaks at each pause.

2.  If an apostrophe occurs other than between two vowels, then flag an

3.  If any word contains an impermissible medial, then flag an error.
(Optionally, this step can be saved for last, which might allow some
amount of error correction.  For all consonant clusters, treat a
permissible initial as joined to the following vowel syllable.  For all
other clusters, divide syllables between the consonants.  Divide
syllables at a close-comma.

4. For each piece of pause-bounded text, case on the final letter before
the pause.  If an error is found, terminate processing of the pause-
group.  The group must either be within a "zoi" quote, or the text is in
error.  If it is a quote, the entire group is part of the quote and there
is no need to attempt further lexing.
     a. If the pause is immediately preceded by a consonant, a name has
     been found (this should only occur at the very end of the pause-
          1)  Seek backwards from the final consonant until finding
          "lai", "la'V", "doi", or start of text.
          2) If "la'V" is found for any V other than "i", flag a mal-
          formed name and continue searching backwards from this point
          per 1), as this may be a recoverable error.
          3)  If "lai", "la'i", "doi", or start of text are found, mark a
          word break between them and the name.  Identify the name.  Also
          place a word break before the marker and label the marker as a
          cmavo.  Recurse from 4. for any unprocessed text before the
          marker, treating the inserted word break as a pause.
     b. If the pause is immediately preceded by "y":
          1)  If the "y" is preceded by a vowel, mark an error.
          2)  If the "y" is alone, mark a ".y." cmavo.
          3)  If the "y" is preceded by an apostrophe, then there is a
          vowel before the apostrophe.  Place a word break before the
          vowel.  Mark the "V'y" as a lerfu.
          4)  If the "y" is preceded by a consonant, place a word break
          before the consonant, and mark the "Cy" as a lerfu.
          5) Recurse from 4. for any remaining unprocessed text before
          inserted word breaks, treating the inserted word break as a
     c. If the pause is preceded by a vowel other than "y":
          1)  If no stressed syllable exists in the text, then:
               a)  If any consonant pair is found within the text, mark
               an error.
               b)  Mark a word break before each consonant.
                    1]  For each word broken off, if the ending vowel is
                    a "y", then mark an error if the phoneme before the
                    "y" is a vowel.  Otherwise mark the word as a lerfu.
                    2]  If the ending vowel is other than a "y", and is
                    preceded by another vowel, ensure a valid diphthong
                    is formed; mark an error if not.  Mark a valid word
                    as a cmavo.
          2)  If at least one stressed syllable is found, take the first
          such syllable as a starting point.
               a)  Examine the vowel of the following syllable, treating
               a diphthong as a single vowel.
               b)  If there is no following syllable, then word break
               before the stressed syllable and following syllables.
                    1]  If the stressed syllable begins with a consonant
                    cluster, then mark an error.
                    2]  Otherwise, the text is a string of cmavo.
                    Analyze and word divide per 4.c.1)b).
               c)  If the following syllable contains the FIRST half of a
               "V'V", either the text to this point is a string of cmavo
               or the stress is a secondary stress.  Determine which by
               searching for a consonant cluster or "CyC" string in the
               text preceding the "V'V".
                    1]  If neither is found, the text up to and including
                    the stressed syllable is a string of cmavo.  Mark a
                    word break after the vowel of the stressed syllable
                    and analyze the preceding text per 4.c.1)b).
                    2]  If a consonant pair is found, the stress is a
                    secondary stress.  Change the text to unstressed, and
                    repeat from 4.c.2) for the next stressed syllable if
                    there is one.  If there is none, mark an error.
               d)  If the following syllable vowel is not a "y", word
               break after that vowel.
               e)  If the following syllable contains a "y", then check
               the following syllable to see if it is the FIRST half of a
               "V'V".  If so, then process per b) for a cmavo string or
               secondary stress.  If not, then word break after that
               following syllable.
               f)  For a candidate word containing a stressed syllable
               and following syllables:
                    1]  If it is less than 5 characters long, then:
                         a]  If there is a consonant cluster, than mark
                         an error.
                         b]  If there is no consonant cluster, then break
                         up per 4.c.1)b).
                    2]  Ignoring apostrophes in the count, if there is no
                    consonant cluster of "CyC" in the first 5 characters,
                    then word break before the first non-initial
                    consonant.  The preceding will be either a lerfu (if
                    the vowel is a "y") or a cmavo (otherwise).  Recurse
                    on the remaining text starting at 5.c.2)f).
                    3]  If the word is 5 letters long and of the form
                    CCVCV, with a permissible initial for the consonant
                    pair, or of the form CVCCV, it is a gismu.
                    Otherwise, mark a 5-letter word as an error.
                    4]  If a greater than 5 letter word is found, perform
                    a "Tosmabru" test to see if an initial cmavo form
                    word can fall off.  If so, mark the falling off word
                    as a cmavo and recurse on the remaining text staring
                    at 5.c.2)f).
                    5]  Attempt to break up the word into rafsi by the
                    lujvo analysis algorithm.  If it breaks up, it is a
                    lujvo.  Otherwise it is a le'avla.