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Para 1, short story
- To: lojban-list@snark.thyrsus.com
- Subject: Para 1, short story
- From: cbmvax!uunet!ee.mu.OZ.AU!nsn
- Date: Thu, 18 Jul 91 15:49:54 +1000
- Cc: nsn@ee.mu.OZ.AU
- Organisation: Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Melbourne
- Smiley-Convention: %^)
Tradukis Kazimierz Bein (Kabe)
El: Pola Antologio, Hachette, Parizo, 1909, pgx 44-46.
Unu post alia falis sur Romon malfelicxegoj: fajro, pesto kaj mortiga atako
de Etruskoj. La urbo estis tiam malgranda kaj malricxa, kaj ecx la lepora
gento, cxiam timigata kaj malsata, ne envius al la logxantoj ilian sorton.
Sed Numa Pompilius kreskis inter tiuj mizeraj dometoj kaj en matura agxo
li pensis kaj klopodis pri la malfelicxa logxantaro. Kiam do nun el gxia
brusto eliris duoblaj plendoj, li demandis la cxielon kaj la teron: pro kio?
vokante al la cxielo kaj al la tero: helpon! La auxguroj diris: Jupitero
estas ofendita! La estro de l' popolo suriru la Eskvilinan monteton, kaj
tie en sankta arbareto la tondrojxetanta dio aperos al li kaj anoncos, kia
penta ofero povos forigi lian koleron.
By Orzekso
Translated by Kazimierz Bein (Kabe)
From: Polish Anthology, Hachette, Paris, 1909, pp. 44-26.
One after the after, misfortunes befell Rome: fire, plague, and a murderous
attack of the Etruscans. The town was at that time small and poor, and
even the race of rabbits, always scared and hungry, would not envy the
inhabitants their fate. But Numa Pompilius grew up amongst those miserable
cottages, and at a mature age he thought and struggled for the unfortunate
popoulation. When then double complaints came out of its breast, he asked
the heaven and the earth: "why?", calling out to the heaven and the earth:
"help!". The auguries said: Jupiter is offended! The leader of the people
should go up the Esquilinan hill, and there in a holy copse the thunder-
throwing god will appear to him and announce, what offering of repentance
can remove his anger.
zo ranmi cu tcita .i la'o py. orzesko py. finti ni'oni'o
"Myth" is the label. The "Orzesko" invents.
loi se la'ornai so'iroi se xlafunca lo fagri celo so'emei terbi'a celonu
lei nat,rtruski. cu mrori'a gunta
Those that constituted the Latin nation at many times were badlucked by
the following in order; a fire, an illness of the great number, and the
event of the Etruscans (nation) death-cause attacking.
.icabo le tcadu cu cmalu je pindi
Simultaneously with this (i.e. not "And then") the town was small and poor.
[A town can be civically poor]
.i le'e ratcu noi na'o terpa je xagji seji'e na'e jilra loi ta'urxa'u
leri dimna
The stereotypical rabbit, who is habitually fearful and hungry, is,
with something being the belimited (ie the rabbit is a limit) not envious
towards the town inhabitants of their fate.
.iku'i la numam. pomPIlium. goi ko'a pu'o makcu vaza le xlali cmazda gi'e
pensi joi gunka ca le nunmakcu sesi'u lei se xlafunca xabju
However Numa (He1) was being until-mature there, in the broad region of
the bad-condition small-houses, and thought-mixed-with-worked at the
time of maturity for [the helped were:] the badlucked inhabitants.
.ite'i ri vemau badri
Now they were sad, and there was an amount by which this exceeded.
.isemu'ibo ko'a te preti fi lu ki'u ma li'u le tsani .e le dertu gi'e
ki'asku lu ko sidju .a'onai li'u le tsani .e le dertu
This was the motive by which he was the asker of the question "Because
of what?" to the sky and the ground, and shout-expressed "You, help!
(Despair!)" to the sky and the ground.
.i leinu smadi lo balvi cu jicmu la'edi'e
The events of guessing the future were the basis for the following:
.itu'e la .IUpiter. goi ko'e tecu'u fengu cai
(Begin phrase) Jupiter (He2) is real angry, with someone saying something.
.i le lidne be le natmi .ei garkla le cmaca'a pe me'e zo .eskualinas.
The leader of the nation must up-go to the small-mountain with the name
.i vaza ri zi le censa ricyci'e le lidri'a cevni co'a se zgana ko'a gi'e
cusku ledu'u lekau xerselfi'i ka'e vimcu leko'e nunfe'u tu'u
There, at the region of Esqualina, and at the specific spot of the holy
tree-system, the lightning-cause god will start being observed by him1
and will express this sentence: The repentance offering (and I name it)
can remove He2's angering. (End of phrase)