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Polish story, Paragraph 5
- To: lojban-list@snark.thyrsus.com
- Subject: Polish story, Paragraph 5
- From: cbmvax!uunet!ee.mu.OZ.AU!nsn
- Date: Thu, 25 Jul 91 09:38:21 +1000
- Cc: nsn@ee.mu.OZ.AU
- Organisation: Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Melbourne
- Smiley-Convention: %^)
La brovoj de la dio de l' tondroj iom malsulkigxis kaj la teruraj fulmoj
erarantaj antaux liaj okuloj, paligxis. Kiam li ekparolis, lia vocxo similis
la silentigxantan tondron.
--- Vi placxas al mi, amanto de cxiela Egerio. Estas domagxe lasi vin en
malricxa kaj turmentata Romo. Levigxu kaj iru en la landon de Etruskoj. Tie
la kampoj estas fruktodonaj kaj la gxardenoj estas ricxaj, en la marmoraj
palacoj sonoras luksaj festenoj kaj en la sanktejoj staras monumentoj de
grandaj homoj. Mi ordonos, ke vi estu regxo de potencaj kaj felicxaj Etruskoj.
Via vivo fluos en la gxuo, kaj la manoj de majstro skulptos monumenton por vi
kaj lokos gxin sur plej altan supron.
The brows of the god of thunders became somewhat unfurrowed and the
terrible lightning bolts wandering [malnatrpolska expression: erring]
before his eyes, became pale. When he started speaking, his voice was
similar to the thinder which is becoming quiet.
--- You please me, lover of the heavenly Aegeria. It is a pity to leave
you in poor and tormented Rome. Get up and go into the land of the
Etruscans. There the fields are fruitful and the gardens are rich, in the
marble palaces there sound luxurious feasts and in the holy places there
stand monuments of great people. I will order that you be king of the
powerful and fortunate Etruscans. Your life will flow in enjoyment, and
the hands of a master craftsperson will sculpt a monument for you and
place it on the most high peak.
le mebri be le lidycevni cu ruble surla .ije le tepri'a lidni poi cunkla
se krasi zi leko'e kanla cu milbi'o
The brow of the lightning-god was weakly relaxed. And the terrifying
thunder which random-go was originated at the specific "place" of He2's
eyes became mild.
.i ca lenu ko'e bacru kei leko'e voksa cu simsa le lidyvru poi pu'o smaji
At the time when He2 spoke, He2's voice resembled the lightning noise such
that it is being until-silent.
.ilu do pluka mi doi prami be la .egeriam. noi mucti .i mi kecti lenu
do stali la romam. noi pindi zi'enoi se crori'a
"You please me, O lover of Aegeria who is not physical. I pity the fact
that you stay in Rome which is poor and which is being caused to have
pain. (Note that I have unclefted places x2 and x3 of kecti.)
.i ko sanli gi'e klama le gugde be loi natrtruski .i vaza ra loi foldi cu
Be standing and go to the country of the Etruscan nation. In the region
there fields are fertile.
.ije lei purdi cu so'ipra .ije vazi lo nolzda noi se zbasu fi lo majrmarmaro.
kei loi sa'irsalci noi ricfu cu savru
And the gardens are many-producers. And at the specific place of the noble-
houses which are built from (material) Marble the meal-celebrations which
are rich are noisy.
.ije zi lo cesklo loi majypi'a befo loi misno banli cu sanli
And at the specific "place" of any X such that X is a holy place, the
material pictures of the famous great ones stand.
.i mi minde lenu do nolraitru le natrtruski. noi tsali joi se xaurfunca
I order that you are noblest governor of the Etruscans who are strong and
good lucked.
.i le nunji'e be do seji'u gleki .ije le xance be lo certu jaisepi'o zbasu
lo majypi'a sepu'a do gi'e punji ri lo traji galtu
The life of you will be happy, with something being belimited. And the hand
of an expert will be the instrument in making a material picture to please
you and will place it on a superlatively high thing.