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L.A. group's aphorisms and other activities

coi doi la lojban. lis.

Well, I think I've managed thus far, time to quit while I'm ahead, and go
back to English.

Our biweekly meeting last night was a good one.  Gerry Koenig brought a tape
he had made reading examples from the lessons followed by their english
translations.  jimc and I are planning to find our own examples (from various
JL's, etc.) and read them into tapes. and next:

  ci mi'a fanva lo tanju'a la lojban. le gicbau

  the three of us (me and unspecified others) translate aphorisms (tanru
  sentences) to Lojban from English (language of English culture/nationality).

How do I put this in the past tense, and would usage accept gicbau as English,
or should we just say "la englis."?

Our first aphorism is our translation of "the early bird gets the worm":

  su'a relo liryrai cipni pu'i kavbu lo curnu

  generalizing: all superlatively-early birds can and do catch worms

Second:  number ten from the list of untranslated aphorism in JL15:  "not to
decide is to decide"

  lo'i nu na jdice cu nu jdice

  the event of not deciding, is a decision

Third:  number thirty-one:  "there is nothing permanent except change"

  roda vitno .i jo da du loi nu cenba

  all things are permanent if-and-only-if they are events of change

We also decided to have monthly mini-logfests.  The first will be 19 October
and last about three hours.  The idea is to speak as much lojban as we possibly
can during that period--even if it's just reading sentences out of exercises
for a while.

Would list members like it if I put translations after a control-L at the end
of the message so they could have a chance at deciding on their interpretation
of the meaning first, before seeing ours?
