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Polish story, part 2 of 2

Post kelke da tagoj mi estis apud la sama sxtono, nokte kaj en la lumo de la
luno mi observis la sxangxojn en la formo kaj grandeco de diversaj makuloj.

Subite iu pusxis min. Tio cxi estis mia botanikisto. Mi petis, ke li sidigxu;
sed li starigis sin tiel, ke li kovris la lumon de la luno, kaj mallauxte
murmuretis ion.

La gxardeno, la benko kaj la sxtono malaperis. Mi sentis cxirkaux mi neklaran
lumon kaj grandegan malplenon. Kaj kiam mi turnis la kapon flanken, mi ekvidis
kvazaux lernejan geografian globon, brilantan malforte, tiel grandan, kiel la
sxtono, apud kiu ni estis antaux momento.

La globo malrapide turnigxadis, montrante diversajn landojn. Jen la azia
kontinento kun la malgranda duoninsulo Euxropo; jen Afriko, ambaux Amerikoj...

A few days later I was by the same stone, at night and in the moonlight I
observed the changes in the form and size of the various spots.

Suddenly somebody pushed me. This was my botanist. I asked him to sit; but he
stood up so, that he covered the moonlight, and softly mumbled something.

The garden, the bench and the stone disappeared. I felt about me an unclear
light and a great emptiness. And when I turned my head to the side, I saw a
seeming school globe, shining weakly, as large as the stone by which I was a
moment ago.

The globe slowly turned, showing various lands. Here was the Asian continent
with the small peninsula Europe, here Africa, here the Americas...

ni'o ba so'o djedi mi jbini le mintu rokci ca lo nicte .i si'u le lunra gusni
mi zgana lenu le tarmi je nizbarda be lei vrici barna cu se galfi .i da suksa
lenu catke pencu mi .i le spatadni cu go'i .i mi cpedu lenu ko'a zutse .iku'i
ko'a co'a sanli ja'e lenu ko'a zunti le gusni befi le lunra kei gi'e to'e cladu
lenu cmocru

After some days I am next to the same rock at a night. Helped by the moon light
I observe that the form and quantity of bigness of the miscellaneous marks is
modified. X is sudden in shove-touching me. (I think suksa is another candidate
for unclefting: lenu da suksa lenu catke pencu mi cu suksa. Same for sutra and
masno. And simlu. And...) The botanist did. I ask that he sit. But He starts
standing with result that He interferes with the light with origin the moon,
and was unloud in moan-utterring. (Another uncleft?)

.i le purdi .e le ripstizu .e le rokci cu canci .i mi zgana lo
to'e klina gusni .e lo cambarda ka kunti noi sruri .i mi ja'e lenu caryri'a
lemi stedu fo le mlana cu co'a viska se'o lo ckule ke turske tedboi noi kandi
se gusni gi'e dunli fi leni barda kei fe le rokci poi puzi se jbini mi .i le
tedboi cu masno carna gi'e jarco loi vrici gugde .i xazdo bo badydaplu jo'u
ropno bo cmalu bo xabdaplu .i friko .i bemro jo'u ketco

The garden and the broad seat and the rock disappear. I observe an unclean
illuminatin and an enormous quality of emptiness, which surrounds. I, as a
result of making rotate my head towards the side, start seeing (I dream) a
school geography earthball which was a recipient of dim illumination and
equal in size to the rock which was just next to me. The earthball slow
rotates and shows miscellaneous lands. Asia big-island with Europe small
half-island. Africa. North and South America.

Rigardante pli atente, mi rimarkis sur la kontinento tiajn samajn makulojn
grizajn, cindrokolorajn, verdajn, flavajn kaj flavrugxajn, kiajn mi vidis sur
la sxtono. Ili konsistis el multaj malgrandaj punktetoj, sxajne senmovaj, sed
efektive movigxante tre maldiligente: unuopa punkto sxovadis sin antauxen ne
pli multe ol duminutan arkon en dauxro de unu horo, kaj ne rektolinie, sed
kvazaux turnante sin cxirkaux sia centro de movado.

La punktoj kunigxadis, disigxadis, pereadis, aperadis sur la suprajxo de l'
globo; sed cxiuj tiuj aperoj ne estis speciale rimarkindaj. Gravan karakteron
havis la movoj de l' tutaj makuloj, kiuj pligrandigxadis, kreskadis, aperadis
sur novaj lokoj, miksigxadis reciproke aux forpusxadis unu la alian el la
okupataj postenoj.

La globo sencxese turnigxadis kaj sxajnis al mi, ke gxi faris centojn da
miloj da turnigxoj.

Looking more carefully, I noticed on the continent the same kinds of spots,
grey, ash-coloured, green, yellow and yellow-red, as I saw on the stone. They
consisted of many small dots, seemingly motionless, but actually moving very
lazily: a single point pushed itself forward not more than a two minute arc
in an hour, and not in a straight line, but as if turning around its centre
of motion.

The dots united, separated, perished, appeared on the surface of the globe;
but all these appearances were not especially noteworthy. What had an important
character was the motion of the whole spots, which got bigger, grew, appeared in
new places, mixed or pushed each other away from the places occupied.

The globe turned without stopping, and it seemed to me, that it made hundreds
of thousands of rotations.

ni'o mi ja'e lenu mi tilmau catlu cu zgana loi barna pere'o le badydaplu zi'enoi
mintu lei grusi jo'u fagyfesyska jo'u crino jo'u pelxu jo'uke pelxu joi xunre
poi se viska mi vi le rokci .i le barna cu se pagbu so'i cmalu mokca noi simlu
lenu na'e litru kei gi'eku'i ca'a litru tai lenu lazni .i leni lo pamei mokca
cu mo'ica'u catke vo'a cu na'e zmadu nopi'enopi'ere janrau ca'o pa cacra .i le
mokca cu litru tai lenu na'e sirji gi'eju'a carna leri litru midju

I as a result of me more detail looking observe marks on the continents which
are the same as the grey etc. ones which are seen by me on the stone. The marks
have as parts many small points which seem to be not travelling and which
however are actually travelling lazily. The amount by which a single point
pushes itself forward does not exceed 0.0.02 angle-grades during one hour. The
point travels in manner not straight and I say rotating around its travel centre

ni'o lei mokca co'a jorne ce sepli ce morsi ce jmive re'o le tedboi .iku'i
role di'u se viska na cinri se vamji .i vajni fa le nunli'u be lei se pagbu
barna noi badbi'o gi'e banro gi'e co'a zasti vi loi cnino stuzi gi'e se mixre
jo'u simlivbai lei se xabju .i le tedboi ru'i carna .ipe'i ri so'ononoki'oroi

The mass of spots start joining, separating, dying, living on the earthball.
However all the things seen of that are not worthy of interest. Important is
the travelling of the be-parted marks which become big and grow and start
existing at new locations and are mixed resp. mutually force (each other) to
leave  from the places inhabited. The earthball constantly turns. I think it
some hundred thousand times rotates.

--- Cxu tio cxi estas la historio de la homaro? --- mi demandis la botanikiston,
starantan apud mi.

Li jese balancis la kapon.

--- Bone --- sed kie estas la artoj, la scienco?

Li malgaje ekridetis.

--- Kie estas la konscio, la amo, la malamo, la deziroj?

--- Ha, ha, ha!... ridis li mallauxte.

--- Unuvorte --- kie estas la homaj animoj kaj koroj?

--- Ha, ha, ha!...

Lia konduto indignigis min.

--- Kiu vi estas?... --- demandis mi.

En tiu cxi momento mi ree trovigxis en la gxardeno, apud la sxtono, kies
neregulaj makuloj banigxis en la briloj de la luno.

Mia kunulo malaperis, sed mi rekonis lin pro lia mokado kaj malenkolio.

- Is this the history of humanity, I asked the botanist standing next to me.

He nodded (lit: yessing swung the head)

- Good - but where are the arts, the sciences?

He started smiling sadly.

- Where is consciousness, love, hate, desires?

- Ha ha ha, he softly laughed.

- In a word, where are the human hearts and souls?A

- Ha ha ha

His behaviour made me indignant.

- Who are you? I asked.

In that moment I found myself again in the garden, next to the stone,
whose irregular marks were bathed by the moonlight.

My companion disappeared, but I recognised him by his mocking and

.i mi te preti fo le spatadni noi sanli jbini mi ku'o fi lu xu ti citri
loi remna li'u .i ko'a xusra desku le stedu .i lu .i'aku'i larcu ce saske vi
ma li'u .i ko'a co'a badri cmacmila .i lu nu sanji ce prami ce xebni ce djica
vi ma li'u

I am the asker of the question to the botanist who stands is-next-to me: "Is
this the history of the mass of humans?" He assertingly shakes the head. "I
accept, however art and science where?" He starts sad small-laughing. "Events
of consciousness and love and hate and want where?"

.i ko'a to'e cladu cmila bacru lu .u'i.uinai li'u .i lu sa'u remna pruxi ja ka
prenu vi ma li'u .i lu .u'i.uinai li'u .i le se tarti be ko'a cu fanza mi .i mi
te preti fi lu do mo li'u .icazibo mi xruti diklo le purdi ne'a le rokci noi
lei na'e dikni barna be ke'a cu se gusni fi le lunra .i le kansa be mi ba'o
canci .iku'i mi cmeju'o fi ri ji'u leli'i ri ckasu je badri

He unloud laugh utters "(Amusement Sorrow)". "In short: Human spirit or person-
ality where?" "(Amusement Sorrow)". The behaviour of He annoys me. I ask "You
are what?" Right after I return am local to the garden next to the rock such
that the nonregular marks of it are illuminated by the moon. My companion
has vanished. But I know the name of him based on the experience of his mocking
and sadness.

Nick Nicholas, Melbourne Uni, Australia.  nsn@{munagin.ee|mullauna.cs}.mu.oz.au
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