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Lojban material now available on PLS - LOTS!!!
The following is an updated version of the file posted to the PLS
entitled "readme" which includes an annotated and categorized index to
all files on the list. The file actually on the server right now under
this name is somewhat inaccurate because 1) some files, specifically
back issues of JL and LK and the historical archive of Lojban text were
not posted to PLS, 2) actual file lengths of the files as posted seem to
be a bit shorter probably due to conversion from MS-DOS to UNIX file
formats. The following version corrects this information.
Following the "readme" file is an abbreviated set of instructions for
obtaining files from the server. Send the one line message 'help' to
langserv@hebrew.cc.columbia.edu to get the full help listing. While you
can put multiple requests in a file, my experience has been that if
there is any error on any command, the entire set is disregarded. I
would therefore suggest getting 1 file at a time until you are sure what
you are doing.
In addition, I wish to warn you that the 2 versions of the gismu list on
the server at this posting are obsolete - they apparently were not
updated from the files I sent Jerry and Mark. I expect that this will
be corrected in a couple of days, and I've asked Mark to let people know
this is so, since I know people who want the updated list. The files in
question are gismu.lst and logdata.raw
The gismu list baseline is on the point of changing, making this even more
confusing. The following describes the situation AFTER Mark has put the
new files up:
gismu.lst is the official, public domain baseline. It has 40 character
definitions of the gismu, and has been relatively unchanged for a few years
now. Only minor corrections have been put into the posted file.
logdata.raw is a preliminary version of the new baseline. I intend the
new baseline to take effect approximately at the publication of JL16,
hopefully within a month. The baseline as published will differ very
little from the posted file - I may put in a few of the changes
warranted by the cleft place structures discussion. Given the time it took
to get the material I'm announcing today on-line, though, the baseline
version of logdata.raw may take a few months to be available on PLS.
I would recommend using the current logdata.raw file, and ignoring the
gismu.lst file, UNLESS it is vital to you to be using a public domain
version. Frankly, I won't object to any copying of the still
copyrighted draft as long as the copyright notice and the notice that it
is a draft stays intact with the file. To all intents and purposes, the
old 40-character file is obsolete. It may have archival value for
understanding Lojban text prior to 1992, which is most of it. I would,
however, recommend that any new text be written using the logdata.raw
place structures. Hopefully future version transitions will occur more
This is an awful lot of material on Lojban that we are making available.
Hopefully both Lojbanists and conlangers will find it useful. I would
appreciate any and all comments.
-------------------- cut here --------------------
8 January 1992 version
Copyright, 1991, 1992, by the Logical Language Group, Inc. 2904 Beau Lane,
Fairfax VA 22031-1303 USA Phone (703) 385-0273
Questions: Contact Bob LeChevalier at the above address or via:
All rights reserved. Permission to copy granted subject to your
verification that this is the latest version of this document, that your
distribution be for the promotion of Lojban, that there is no charge for
the product, and that this copyright notice is included intact in the
See the file epolicy.txt for a more complete explanation of LLG
electronic distribution policy. We have not yet implemented a
tamper-proof checksum system.
We ask that users of these files consider donating money for the support
of The Logical Language Group, Inc. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization and such donations are tax-deductible in the US, to the
extent they exceed the price of things we send you. While it costs us
little for you to get a copy of the files on this archive, the network
is not free. LLG will spend some $2000 during 1991 on network access,
supporting Lojban List, this archive, and responding to people like you.
We do not make a profit on our printed materials, so it is your
donations that will allow us to continue to serve the network community
of Lojbanists and people curious about Lojban.
As of 8 January 1992, the following are the official postings of The
Logical Language Group, Inc. on this server. All other postings should
be considered unsanctioned, and possibly incorrect.
Language design materials are explicitly listed here and in the
documents themselves as being in the public domain. All other documents
are copyrighted under the same heading listed above for this document.
Note on file names. All file names ending with .unf may contain lines
up to about 120 characters long. Original documents published by LLG
are formatted using longer than 80 character lines, and this wider
line-length was determined to give a more readable text when that
formatting was removed. File names ending with .txt are generally under
80 characters in width. Other file name extensions have no implication.
Many files are compressed using a rather simplistic program that
tabifies every 8 characters INCLUDING A SINGLE SPACE IN A 0 MOD 8
POSITION. We have since learned that some tab expanders will take a TAB
in a 0 mod 8 position and expand it to 9 spaces instead of 1. This could
cause you problems, which hopefully this notice will help you correct if
it affects you. We consider this a failed experiment: when I next send
data to PLS for uploading I will send files without the tab compression,
but this may be a few months.
The PLS has very limited disk space. LLG has convinced Mark and Jerry
to post much of the material we sent them, but they do not have room for
all of it. In particular, back issues of JL and LK, and a LOT of Lojban
text could not be posted. I want to see some or all of this material
available, if only on a limited time basis. Therefore, in about 3
months, I will be asking Mark and Jerry to tell me the rates of access
for Lojban directory files. Seldom accessed files may be deleted to
allow us to make room for new stuff, as listed at the end of this
document. So please don't delay too long if you want a file listed
___Control documents
readme . This file.
epolicy .txt 2912 10-09-91 16:06 The LLG Electronic Distribution Policy
orderfrm.unf 9497 10-14-91 12:08 Current LLG Product List & Order Form
Include Paper Postal Address on any
order, please.
___Language Design Materials and Drafts
grammar .28 64552 10-11-91 10:10 Baselined Lojban Grammar - YACC version
Public Domain. Without explanatory
text included in printed versions.
bnf .28 7872 10-11-91 10:10 EBNF form of the Baselined Lojban
Grammar. Not verified. Public domain.
pronounc.unf 9718 10-14-91 12:08 Pronunciation guide. Public domain.
gismu .lst ~90109 10-09-91 16:12 Baselined gismu list. Public domain.
Expected to be superseded before 1992
by a modified version of logdata.raw
logdata .raw ~117039 10-14-91 11:57 Lojban gismu (root word) draft update
>80 characters wide
roget .lst 40612 10-14-91 12:42 gismu sorted by Roget category. Draft.
logdata3.cma 88312 10-14-91 11:58 Lojban cmavo (structure word) list.
Public domain. cmavo order
>80 characters wide
logdata3.lex 88312 10-14-91 11:59 Lojban cmavo (structure word) list.
Public domain. selma'o
(grammar category) order
>80 characters wide
lehavla .alg 2326 10-14-91 12:03 Draft proposal for borrowing words.
___Introductory Materials in Suggested Order
loglan .txt 8598 10-14-91 12:06 Introduction and history for those
familiar with other Loglan versions
brochure.eng 62820 10-14-91 12:01 Basic Lojban Brochure -formatted for
electronic distribution
postbroc.txt 28312 10-14-91 12:08 An edited version of elecbroc.txt
abbreviated so as to be more suitable
for electronic transmission.
minilsne.txt 30917 10-16-91 12:21 Draft introductory Lojban mini-lesson.
Return answers to LLG for correction.
overview.unf 63143 10-14-91 12:08 Overview of the language and intro.
to specialized terminology
diagexam.unf 10851 10-09-91 16:10 Diagrammed Examples of Lojban Text
___Teaching Materials and Detailed Discussion
useoldl1.txt 15233 10-14-91 12:09 How to use 1975 Loglan 1 to study
Lojban (partially correct for 1989
newrafsi.unf 77773 10-14-91 12:07 List of Lojban rafsi (affixes) and
how to make compounds (lujvo).
negation.unf 127903 10-14-91 12:07 Negation in Lojban. Many examples.
scrabble.unf 6098 10-14-91 12:09 Suggested games rules based on
Lojban letter frequencies
___Why Lojban?
whylojb .txt 198651 10-14-91 12:09 General discussion on 'Why Lojban?'
extracted from ju'i lobypli,
Includes JCB on Sapir Whorf.
Many contributors.
mactrans.txt 12681 10-14-91 12:06 Lojban and machine translation
by Patrick Juola
moody .txt 18972 10-14-91 12:06 Lojban and other planned languages
by Todd Moody
lojb_esp.txt 180734 10-14-91 12:00 Lojban and Esperanto - JL discussions
including comments from Donald Harlow
and Lojban's 'Answer' to the '16 Rules'
lojling .txt 18942 10-14-91 12:06 Lojban's relevance to linguistics and
linguistics research
reply .txt 38747 10-14-91 12:08 1991 Reply to Arnold Zwicky's 1969
"Language" Review of Loglan 1
netdisc .txt 178912 10-14-91 12:07 Extracted Network Discussions of Lojban
and Sapir-Whorf - mostly 8-9/90
___Lojban Text
lordpray.unf 7781 10-14-91 12:06 Lojban Paternoster, updated to
current language. A prosaic version.
___Other materials
l1longrv.txt 70543 6-08-91 15:56 unpublished draft review - Loglan 1
___Forthcoming Material we hope to post within 3-4 months
6 Draft Textbook Lessons - updated to 1992 language
New Draft Textbook Lesson 1
Esperanto Translation of Lojban Brochure - Official Release
lojbroch.e-o.tex is a draft version of this release
Glossary of Lojban/linguistic terminology
Lojban and Sapir-Whorf Bibliography
Lojban and PROLOG demonstration example
Lojban gismu etymologies
Rebaselined gismu list
Revisions to the minilesson and the diagrammed examples of Lojban
Synopsis of Lojban Orthography, Phonology, Morphology - Updated to 1992
selma'o paper - discussion and examples of Lojban grammar
tense paper - introduction to Lojban tense structures
attitudinal paper - updated to 1992
logical connectives paper - intor to logical and non-logical connectives
MEX paper - Lojban expression of mathematical text
(additional papers are planned to cover other aspects of the Lojban
grammar and will also be posted as available)
Back Issues of ju'i lobypli and le lojbo karni - in chronological order
Issues of le lojbo karni since lk11 are highly redundant to the
corresponding jl issue
All published Lojban text; Not updated to current language. Mostly
translated & with commentary. Probably with some kind of difficulty
and quality grading to help you choose appropriate materials.
The following unofficial files are known to be in this directory at this
24 Jun 1991 815 elecread.me - an obsolete version of this file that
should soon be deleted
12 Sep 1991 69755 lojbroch.e-o.tex - the draft Esperanto translation of
the Lojban brochure in brochure.eng Comments and suggestions welcome.
02 Jan 1991 2373 Description - the official PLS description file of
all files in the Lojban directory. Not as detailed or as accurate as
this file.
19 Dec 1990 23871 metflidjimao-vedsia
19 Dec 1990 27415 welding-shop
Jim Carter's 1984 Loglan short story and English translation - not Lojban
compatible nor consistent with the current TLI language, it is still one
of the longest Loglan texts written originally in Loglan rather than in
11 May 1990 49403 brochure.french
A French translation of a somewhat earlier version of the Lojban brochure.
-------------------- cut here --------------------
Abbreviated instructions for the PLS server
To make the archive server do something you should send an electronic
mail message to langserv@hebrew.cc.columbia.edu. The body of the
message should consist of one command per line. The case of the text
does not matter. Note, however, that the server runs on a UNIX system,
and thus, for filenames, the case DOES matter, so be sure the files you
request are properly capitalized.
Use a null subject line
You can find out what files are available with the command "index lojban"
path <mail-path>
"Path" is used to override the mail path that the archive server
chooses from the header of your mail message. You should use this
whenever you know that the return address of your message will not
be useful to the archive server. The archive server only knows
about domain style address.
path jbaltz@hebrew.cc.columbia.edu
send <archive> <file..>
"Send" mails to you the files in the specified archive. All of
the files that you request will be sent to you archived together
possibly encoded and split up into messages that are small enough
to be mailed. You may have as many "sends" in the body of your mail
message as you wish.
send lojban logdata.raw
By default, files that are mailable are simply stuck together with
the text "cut here" between files and; non-mailable files are archived
via unix tar. Non-mailable files must be converted to something mailable.
By default this is done with "uuencode". Some large or long-lined
Lojban files may be considered non-mailable, and you will need to
run uudecode on the file(s) that you are mailed. See your sysadmin
if you don't know how to do this.
There are commands to change all of these defaults, as well as the
default size for messages sending files to you.
If you have problems or questions, you should send mail to
As always, much thanks to Jerry Altzman and Mark Shoulson for providing the
excellent PLS service.
lojbab = Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
2904 Beau Lane, Fairfax VA 22031-1303 USA