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Buffer vowel and "y"

Mark E. Shoulson <shoulson%CTR.COLUMBIA.EDU@cuvmb.cc.columbia.edu> writes:

>I'd almost rather see
>keeping everything as it stands, but allowing (mandating?) schwa as buffer
>vowel and changing the pronunciation of "y" to "\"u" (u-umlaut).  Yeah,
>it's kind of Volap"ukian, but it's certainly recognizable as different from
>everything else, feels like a good "hyphen" sound to me, and even makes
>decent hesitation noise (try it!).

If it were _my_ language, I'd accept Mark's suggestion. In fact, u-umlaut
is the sound of y in Latin, Finnish, Swedish, and probably other languages
as well, so it isn't even a strange use of the letter; it's the sound that
the letter originally stood for in the Latin alphabet. But it isn't my decision
to make, and I'll bet Lojbab won't take it.