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Re: Wallops #7
- To: John Cowan <cowan@SNARK.THYRSUS.COM>, Eric Raymond <eric@SNARK.THYRSUS.COM>, Eric Tiedemann <est@SNARK.THYRSUS.COM>
- Subject: Re: Wallops #7
- From: cbmvax!uunet!MULLIAN.EE.MU.OZ.AU!cuvmb.cc.columbia.edu!nsn
- Date: Sat, 29 Feb 1992 14:46:19 +1100
- In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 28 Feb 92 10:26:44 CDT."
- Reply-To: cbmvax!uunet!MULLIAN.EE.MU.OZ.AU!cuvmb.cc.columbia.edu!nsn
- Sender: Lojban list <cbmvax!uunet!CUVMA.BITNET!cuvmb.cc.columbia.edu!LOJBAN>
>>la men. lu .i mu'i la'edi'u ko stagau le greblo gi'e denpa .iku'i da poi na se
>>ponse mi cuka'e se lebna do tai ma.ianai li'u
>Does this {gi'e} imply a temporal sequence?
Actually, um, er, {.ije} *is* taken to imply a temporal sequency in
"storytelling time", so I assumed {gi'e} can too. If this doesn't convince
"the people", then {gi'ebabo} isn't that hard...
>>la xar. lu .i la'edi'u to'e vajni le greblopre .i do bilga lenu pleji le fepni
>>.i lenu na go'i na se curmi li'u
>{to'e vajni} seems to strong to me (I'd have gone with {na'e} or even
>{no'e}), but that's a matter of taste and style, and besides, you have the
>original in front if you and I don't.
Actually the original has "these [things are] nothing to the ferryman". So
the {to'e} is my responsibility.
>>la men. lu .i loi dembrlupino. do'a kujo'u le sanmi pe la xekates. tosa'a
Um, {loi} does mean "at least some of the whole mass of", so I don't see the
problem with its use here.
>>la xar. lu .i do benji doi xermes. levi gekpre tosa'a zemoi pinka toi fo
>He's not really asking this question to get the answer, but to complain.
>It's close enough to a real question that I don't see a need for a {paunai}
>anywhere, but an {.oi} or something wouldn't go amiss.
>>la xar. lu .i.e'unai ca lenu mi krecpa do; li'u
>Some indication of the trailing-off threat that the English has would be
Like the, um, semicolon? (Which means a pause longer than a . , but which
not many people seem to be aware of. I suppose I'll just have to go back to
"...". I could stick in a {po'o}, but don't want to.
>>.i la xermes. cevni fi lepa'anu benji loi morsi la xades.
>Why {lepa'anu}? In addition to what?
In addition to being the protector of merchants, messengers, hermaphrodites,
>>.icimai la MEnipos. ce la antistenes. ce la di'ogenes. ce la krates. noi
>>tadnrfilosofo le'a la kinik. cu paromei lei na klaku bevi la mromunje gi'e
>>roroi cmila je ckasu
{romei} it is. This is what Lojbab means by slavish translation of idioms;
yes, in this case ropamei/paromei doesn't work.
>Nitpick: {role drata pajni du la minos li'osa'a} does *not* mean "all the
>other judges are Minos & co...".
So I did leave out the {cu}: a persisitent problem for me with GOhA cmavo,
which I don't intuit as tanruable.
Ta stax.