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RE: easy texts ....

Here is a first effort after a couple of weeks of getting acquinted
with Lojban. I am not yet sure whether I'll actually start studying
Lojban but decided to have a go at the text, anyhow.

I sent yesterday a copy to lojbab and he asked me to post this - so
here goes.

The first ones were easy

la djan. cu zvati ti
 John        is here.

.i la .an. .e la djein. cu zvati ta
   Ann   and   Jane       are there.

In the next one I wasn't sure whether the 'lo' would require an
indication in the final translation

.i la .an. cu ponse lo cnino cukta
     Ann       has  a [quite?] new book.

'pamoi' caused me some trouble as the 2nd sumti place is left open.

.i ri cu pamoi
   It    is the first [among ...]. {pa-moi vs. pamoi ?}
   It is her first book.(?)

In the next two bridi the interpretation of the main selbri in a way
which might match the original wasn't too easy.

.i la .an. cu fuzme      lenu ra   baru'i cnici joi jinsa
     Ann  is accountable for it to remain neat  and clean.
     Ann   will keep     it         neat and clean.

.i la djan. goi ko'a    fuzme      lenu ri na lacpu porpi le cukta
    John         he is accountable for  he not pull-break the book
    John              will not rip(?) the book.

The next one was the toughest of all. First the syntax. If I am
correct 'cumki' is the main selbri with the sumti places filled
with the 'lenu... ' and 'leni ...', the ko'a refer to la djan.
goi . I have the glosses of the gismu and a fait idea about the
nu/ni abstractors but arriving at an interpretation which might
match the original escapes me.

.i cumki fa lenu ko'a facki          leni ko'a sutra   co cilre
   maybe          he  discovers that       he is quick of learning


Nothing special about the next ones - except perhaps ri/ra

levi nanla cu ponse le cipni
This  kid     has   a bird.

.i ri cpana le ra xance
   It is on    his hand.

.i lo cipni cu kakne lenu valsi bacru
   The bird  is able to   words-utter
   The bird    can           talk.


In the next few bridi I am not sure whether we have one or several
dogs as the later bridi might imply several.

le gerku cu gekcru
The dog     barks. (? The dogs bark)

.i xu do  tirna la'edi'u
   Do you hear  it?

Not quite sure about 'simxu zdile'.

.i loi nanla cu kelci ke simxu zdile loi gerku
    The kids    play      amusing    the dog (? -s).


le  re nanla cu sutra bajra
The two kids    run quickly.

.i ri bajra sekai leka traji ni ri sutra
  They run  with       a lot of their quickness.
  They run  very quickly.

.i  pa   le nanla cu  claxu   le mapku
  One of the kids   is without a cap.

.i vi cmalu gerku
   Here is the small dog.

.i le go'i cu ponse le mapku po le nanla
     It        has  the cap  of the kid.

.i ro      le nanla   na  kakne lenu cpacu ra
   Each of the kids is not able to   get it.
    The kids    are not able to get it.


    Veijo (no Lojbanization yet)

    e-mail:  vilva@viikki21.helsinki.fi
        (or  veijo.vilva@helsinki.fi)