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Logic Programming


For all the Logic Programming buffs on this list (and I know there are some)
a fruitful source of interesting papers is the series called:

    Forschungsberichte Kunstliche Intelligenz

from Technische Universitat Munchen (Sorry I have omitted all the
diacriticals - my apologies to any German purists). Foe non German speakers,
this means Research Reports on Artificial Intelligence, but they are more
wide ranging than that. I have on my desk:

     Classical Negation in Logic Programming
and  Functions in Horn Clause Logic.

There are severAl titles available (free) from TUM. e-mail Angela Marquardt:
   fki@tumult.uucp  or

Happy Logic programming, what I have looks good, but I have yet to really
get to grips with it. I may just give it up and pass them on to our resident
logic programmer.


Chris Handley                                     chandley@otago.ac.nz
Dept of Computer Science                       Ph     (+64) 3-479-8499
University of Otago                           Fax     (+64) 3-479-8577
Dunedin, NZ

      "Bet you 3 to 1 that fixing that bug will introduce three more"