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relatives and quantifiers (Pt 2 of 2)

 5. Indefinite sumti

[pe'i these are an annoying mistake, complicating
 the syntax just so that we can omit a word here
 there and thereby muddy the logical structure.]

 However, we have them and we can cope.

 Transformationally, as I understand it

      <quantifier> <selbri>
 eg   ze prenu

 is exactly equivalent to

      <quantifier> lo <selbri>
      ze lo prenu

 and we have precisely the same difficulties as with
 any other external quantifier, except that the
 <quantifier> and the optional <relative clauses>
 are introduced at the same point in the syntax
 (indefinite_sumti_94), so for example
      ze prenu poi gleki
 parses as
      [ze prenu [poi gleki]]
 with three constituents, and not explicitly as
      [ze [prenu [poi gleki]]]
 in the way
      ze lo prenu poi gleki
 does. i.e. the syntax is equivocal here.

 There is another form of indefinite sumti, which I
 do not understand:

      <quantifier> <quantifier> <selbri>
 eg   voboi ze prenu

 I can only guess that it is intended to mean
      <quantifier> lo <quantifier> <selbri>
      vo lo ze prenu

 If this is correct, it has the same problems: it
 seems to parse as
      voboi [ze prenu] [poi ....]
 with the internal qualifier bound tighter to the
 selbri, so its problems are no different.

 [In passing, I suggest this form be withdrawn. As
 far as I know nobody uses it, which is the only
 justification for keeping an anomalous
 construction; and the relation between
 eg   voboi        prenu
 and  voboi  ze    prenu
 is rather odd (one would expect the omitted item in
 the first to be on the front, rather than the

 6. Preposed possessives
 The other anomaly in the current grammar is the
 preposed possessive (the optional sumti_E_96 in

      le mi cukta

 I believe this is precisely equivalent to
      le cukta pe mi

 This does not interact problematically with
 relative clauses, of either type:

      lo mi cukta poi xunre = lo cukta pe mi zi'e
				   poi xunre
 restricts the set of books to those which are both
 mine and red.

      lo mi cukta noi xunre = lo cukta pe mi zi'e
				   noi xunre
 restricts the set to books which are mine, and
 comments that they (my books) are red.

 But it does not work at all with internal

      lomi ci cukta
 which is always used to mean
      'my three books', i.e.
      'all books, restricted to those belong to me,
		there are three of these'
	(= lo ci [cukta pe mi])
 is actually defined to be

      lo mi [ci cukta] = [lo ci cukta] pe mi
      'my books, out of the three' , i.e.
      'all books (there are three), restricted
to those which belong to me'

      *lo ci mi cukta
 which has some hope of meaning what we want, is not
 even valid!

[It is true that these forms with 'lo' are relatively unusual, and it
is more common to use 'le', which once again gets round the logical
problems by pragmatics; but I think the problems are there nonetheless.]

 7. Summary of the problems

 There are two basic problems, one of them in two

 1a.  restrictive relatives belong inside external
 quantifiers, incidental relatives belong outside.

 1b. restrictive relatives belong inside internal
 quantifiers, incidental relatives belong outside.

 2. preposed possessives belong inside internal

 8. Suggestions for problem 1

 There are a number of possibilities I can think of.

 a) Nothing.
 Thus far, we have found this area to be workable.
 However, wait until you try to teach the semantics
 to a computer. This will require rules something
 like the following:

 quantified sumti:
      store the quantifier, and go ahead and
      interpret the sumti including any relative
      clauses. Then select the specified number from
      the set of denoted items. If there are any
      incidental clauses stored, now apply them.

 internal quantifier:
      store the quantifier, and go ahead and
      interpret the selbri, and carry the set of
      denoted items forward.

 relative clauses:
      interpret each clause in turn. If it is a
      restrictive, select appropriately from the
      current set of denoted items. If it is an
      incidental, remember it.
      At the end of the relative clauses, if there
      is an internal quantifier stored, use it to
      select an appropriate number from the set.
      Then carry the set forward.

 Possible, but hideous, and not worthy of something
 described as a logical language. (And preposed
 possessives will give a further complication).

 b) The minimal change I can see is to require all
 restrictives to precede all incidentals, and modify
 the grammar as follows to reinterpret almost what
 we have:

      :  sumti_D_95
      |  indefinite_sumti_94
      |  sumti_D_95 incidental
      |  restricted_sumti
      |  restricted_sumti ZIhEK_820 incidental
 /* Restricted_sumti needs to be distinguished from
 sumti_D because we need the ZIhEK after it before
 any incidental clauses. This distinction has to be
 carried right down */

       :  sumti_E_96
       |  quantifier_300  sumti_E_96

      :  restricted_sumti_A
      |  quantifier_300 restricted_sumti_A

      :  sumti_F_97
      |  LAhE_561  sumti_C_93
      |  NAhE_BO_809  sumti_C_93

      :  sumti_H_99
      |  GEK_807  sumti_90  GIK_816  sumti_C_93

      :  sumti_H_99  restrictive
      |  restricted_description

      :  anaphora_400
      |  LA_558  cmene_A_404
      |  LI_566  MEX_310  LOhO_gap_472
      |  description_112
      |  quote_arg_432

      :  restrictive_A
      |  restrictive  ZIhEK_820 restrictive_A

      :  POI  sentence_40  KUhO_gap_469
      :  PE  term_81  GEhU_gap_464

      :  incidental_A
      |  incidental  ZIhEK_820 incidental_A

      :  NOI_584  sentence_40  KUhO_gap_469
      :  GOI_542  term_81  GEhU_gap_464

      :  LA_558  sumti_tail_113  gap_450
      |  LE_562  sumti_tail_113  gap_450
      |  LUhI_572  sumti_90  LUhU_gap_463

      :  LA_558 sumti_tail_113 restrictive
      |  LE_562 sumti_tail_113 restrictive

      :  sumti_tail_A_114
      |  sumti_E_96  sumti_tail_A_114
      |  quantifier_300  sumti_90

      :  bri_string_130
      |  quantifier_300  bri_string_130

 (I have not bothered with following through LAhO,
 GEKs, "le <quant> <sumti>" or indefinite_sumti)

 I believe this will produce just the same surface
 strings as we have at present, except that all
 incidentals will have to follow all restrictives.
 The parse will however be different: the
 incidentals will lie outside the sumti_D, while the
 restrictives will lie within the scope of the
 external quantifier, and (in the case of a
 description without KU) within the scope of the
 internal quantifier. (Note that selma'o NOI and GOI
 have to be split, and that ZIhE performs some very
 strange functions).

 The only thing in favour of this suggestion is that
 it does the minimum damage to existing texts. It
 complicates the syntax remarkably and - in the name
 of compatibility - confusingly.

 c) My preference is to introduce three specific
 locations for relatives, thus
      so'a lo panono cukta poi mi nelci ku poi
      dopa'a nelci ku'o noi cfika
 would parse as
      {[so'a {[lo panono {cukta poi mi nelci} ku]
      [poi dopa'a nelci ku'o]}] [noi cfika]}
      almost all of
those of
     the hundred
          books I like
that you also like
      which incidentally are fiction...

     :  sumti_D_95
     :  sumti_D_95 incidental
     |  indefinite_sumti_94

      :  indefinite_A
      |  indefinite_A incidental

      :  quantifier_300  indefinite_B
      |  indefinite_B

      : sumti_tail_A_114  gap_450  restrictive
      | sumti_tail_A_114  gap_450
 /* Or sumti_tail_B both times if we withdraw the
 doubly-quantified indefinite */

      :  sumti_E_96
      |  quantifier_300  sumti_E_96

      :  sumti_F_97
      |  LAhE_561  sumti_C_93
      |  NAhE_BO_809  sumti_C_93

      :  sumti_G_98
      |  GEK_807  sumti_90  GIK_816  sumti_C_93
    /* negation of sumti GEK handled by negation of
 entire sumti in E_96 above */

      :  sumti_H_99
      |  sumti_H_99  restrictive

      :  anaphora_400
      |  LA_558  cmene_A_404
      |  LI_566  MEX_310  LOhO_gap_472
      |  description_112
      |  quote_arg_432

      :  restrictive_A
      |  restrictive  ZIhEK_820

      :  PE  term_81  GEhU_gap_464
      |  POI  sentence_40  KUhO_gap_469

      :  incidental_A
      |  incidental  ZIhEK_820

      :  GOI_542  term_81  GEhU_gap_464
      |  NOI_584  sentence_40  KUhO_gap_469

      :  LA_558  sumti_tail_113  gap_450
      |  LE_562  sumti_tail_113  gap_450
      |  LUhI_572  sumti_90  LUhU_gap_463

      :  sumti_tail_A_114
      |  sumti_E_96  sumti_tail_A_114
      |  quantifier_300  sumti_90

      :  sumti_tail_B
      |  quantifier_300  sumti_tail_B

      :  bri_string_130
      |  bri_string_130  restrictive

 d) I considered a solution with arbitrarily nested
 scopes, each of which was limited by a quantifier
 and/or restrictives, and each of which could have
 an incidental attached to it, thus:

  < [so'i
    <lo tarci
    > poi se viska tu'a le terdi ku'o
    } noi melbi ku'o
  > poi mi di'i catlu ke'a ku'o
  } no'u la ze mensi

 but this requires a much more complicated grammar,
 and I think it can be managed by structures already
 existing at a higher level (KE or LUhI). At any rate,
 I did not investigate its syntax carefully.

 I think (c) is the best solution.  It does not do
 a lot of injury to existing texts: as long as they
 don't mix restrictive and incidental clauses, they
 will still parse; if they do, the two sets need to
 be sorted out, and the first (restrictive) set
 ended by a KUhO/GEhU (or by a KU if there is a
 description). And the scoping will make sense.

 Note that something like
      le ci cukta poi mi nelci
 will parse as
      le [ci [cukta [poi mi nelci]]]
 but you can force the restriction outside by
      [le [ci cukta ku] [poi mi nelci]
 which I claim is selecting those I like from among
 the three books.

 [I note in passing that, since the relationship
 between quantifiers and relative clauses is here
 strictly defined, it would not be difficult to add
 preposed relatives, such as I suggested a few
 months ago. They would still need to distinguish
 the placing for restrictives and incidentals.
 This was NOT the rationale for these suggestions,
 though they did come out of the analysis I did to
 understand the lojbangirz's objections to preposed

 9. Suggestions for problem 2

 a) Do nothing
 We've coped up to now, but again the semantic rule
 is nasty.

 b) Ban the quantifier from a "lemi" type
 description. The only thing in favour of this is
 that it won't require things to be changed around;
 but it will still make some existing utterances
 invalid, and require a change to the syntax, as
 well as forbidding something that we might want to

 c) Reverse the [sumti-4] and the [quantifier] in
 [sumti-tail], to give

      :  sumti_tail_A_114
      |  quantifier_300 sumti_tail_A_114
      |  quantifier_300  sumti_90

      :  bri_string_130
      |  sumti_E_96  bri_string_130

 hence "leci mi cukta"

 It will take us a little getting used to, but I
 think this is logically greatly preferable.

 10. Conclusion

 I have presented at length some logical problems in
 our current sumti grammar, and made some

 1. Withdraw the <quant> <quant> <selbri> form of
 indefinite sumti

 2. Distinguish restrictive from incidental clauses,
 and define three distinct places where they may
 occur: incidental ones only outside quantified
 arguments, restrictive ones both inside external
 quantifiers, and inside internal quantifiers in

 3. Reverse the order of the internal quantifier and
 the preposed possessive in descriptions.

 The three suggestions are all independent of one

 I have not looked at vocatives: since they do not
 include quantifiers, they do not really have a
 problem, though for consistency they should be
 changed consistently with any changes to solve
 problem 1.

.ua.ui mi'e kolin