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sample KWIC index for Lojban dictionary
The following is a sample of the output from a KWIC (Key Word In Context)
tool that I wrote specifically to help automate creating the English-to-Lojban
dictionary. I should make clear at the outset that lojbab makes the decisions
on the dictionary, not me; when I described this format to him, he sounded
cautiously interested. Feedback will assist him in making the final
This format is that used by the >Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs<, which
has the problem of deciding how to alphabetize a list of proverbs. Just using
the first word (or even the first content word) is not enough; what if you
remember only the word "devil" from "Needs must when the devil drives"?
Each proverb is listed, therefore, under >all< its content words. The
word is rotated to the front, followed by a comma; the place from which it
was removed is marked by a "|" character (omitted at the beginning or end).
I have taken a similar approach here. The entire place structure definition
is processed, and the corresponding gismu is attached to the end, set off by
a "=" sign. The rafsi, if any, are appended in parentheses. This version of
the program omits all words appearing more than 20 times in the input;
there is no point in listing words under "x4" or "event" or "the". An
exception is made when the word is also the LogFlash keyword: thus "zvati"
appears under "at", but no other word does because "at" is too frequent.
------------cut here-----------cut here------------cut here---------------
abdomen, x1 is a/the | /belly/lower trunk of x2; = betfu (bef be'u)
able, x1 is | to do/be/capable of doing/being x2 under conditions x3
= kakne (kak ka'e)
above, x1 is directly | /upwards-from x2 in gravity/frame of reference
x4 = gapru (gar)
abrupt, x1 is sudden/ | /sharply changes at stage/point x2 in process/
property/function x3 = suksa (suk)
absolute, x1 is a fact/reality/truth, in the = fatci (fac)
absorbs, x1 soaks up/ | /sucks up x2 from x3 into x4 = cokcu (cok cko co'u)
abstracted, x1 is | /generalized/idealized from x2 by rules x3 =
sucta (suc)
academy, x1 is a school/institute/ | at x2 teaching subject x3 to
audience/community x4 operated by x5 = ckule (cu'e)
accessing, x1 is a street/avenue/lane/drive/cul-de-sac/way/alley/
at x2 | x3 = klaji (laj)
accident, x1 is an | /unintentional on the part of x2; x1 is an
accident = snuti (nut nu'i)
accident, x1 is an accident/unintentional on the part of x2; x1 is
an = snuti (nut nu'i)
accomodates, x1 contains/holds/encloses/ | /includes contents x2 within;
x1 is a vessel containing x2 = vasru (vas vau)
accompanies, x1 is with/ | /is a companion of x2, in
state/condition/enterprise x3 = kansa (kas)
accompaniment, x1 dances to | x2 = dansu
accomplishes, x1 succeeds in/achieves/completes/ | x2 = snada
according, x1 is a dimension of space/object x2 | to rules/model
x3 = cimde
according, x1 is a family/clan/tribe with members x2 bonded/tied/joined |
to standard x3 = lanzu (laz)
according, x1 is a history of x2 | to x3 /from point-of-view x3 =
citri (cir)
according, x1 is an heir to/is to inherit x2 from x3 | to rule x4 =
cerda (ced)
according, x1 is polite/courteous in matter x2 | to standard/custom x3 =
clite (lit)
according, x1 is to the east/eastern side of x2 | to frame of reference
x3 = stuna
according, x1 is to the north/northern side of x2 | to frame-of-reference
x3 = berti (ber)
according, x1 is to the south/southern side of x2 | to frame of reference
x3 = snanu
according, x1 is to the west/western side of x2 | to frame of reference
x3 = stici
according, x1 is/reflects a pattern of forms/events x2 arranged | to
structure x3 = morna (mor mo'a)
account, x1 is an | /bill/invoice for goods/services x2, billed to x3,
billed by x4 = janta (jat ja'a)
accountable, x1 is responsible/ | for x2 to judge/authority x3 =
fuzme (fuz fu'e)
accruing, x1 is a profit/gain/benefit/advantage to x2 | /resulting from
activity/process x3 = prali (pal)
accuracy, x1 measures/evaluates x2 as x3 units on scale x4, with |
x5 = merli (mel mei)
achieve, x1 helps/assists/aids object/person x2 do/ | /maintain
event/activity x3 = sidju (sid dju)
achieves, x1 succeeds in/ | /completes/accomplishes x2 = snada
acid, x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of | of composition x2;
x1 is acidic = slami
acidic, x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of acid of composition x2;
x1 is = slami
acids, x1 is a quantity of protein/albumin of type x2 composed of amino =
acquires, x1 gets/ | /obtains x2 from source x3 = cpacu (cpa)
acrid, x1 is bitter/ | /sharply disagreeable to x2 = kurki
across, x1 is a bridge over/ | x2 between x3 and x4 = cripu (rip)
across, x1 is located | x2 from x3; x1 is opposite x3 = ragve (rav)
across, x1 ranges/extends/spans/reaches | /over interval/gap/area x2 =
kuspe (kup ku'e)
act, x1 is an event/state/ | of violence = vlile (vil)
actions, x1 is kind to x2 in | /behavior x3 = xendo (xed xe'o)
actions, x1 tries/attempts to do/attain x2 by | /method x3 =
troci (roc ro'i)
active, x1 is a paint of pigment/ | substance x2, in a base of x3 =
cinta (cin)
actors, x1 is a drama/play about x2 by dramatist x3 for audience x4 with |
x5 = draci
acts, x1 is a father of x2; x1 begets/sires/ | paternal towards x2
= patfu (paf pa'u)
acts, x1 is a mother of x2; x1 bears/mothers/ | maternally toward x2
= mamta (mam ma'a)
acts, x1 is a parent of/raises/rears x2; x1 mentors/ | parental toward
child/protege x2 = rirni (rir)
address, x1 is an | of x2 in system x3 = judri
adds, x1 | /combines x2 to/with x3, with result x4; x1 augments x2 by
amount x3 = jmina (mi'a)
adherents, x1 is a religion of people/believers/ | x2 sharing common
beliefs x3 = lijda (lij jda)
adheres, x1 | /sticks to x2; x1 is sticky/gummy = snipa (nip)
adjacent, x1 is | /beside/next to x2 in property/sequence x3 in
direction x4 = lamji (lam la'i)
adjusts, x1 | /changes x2 in amount/degree x3 = stika (tik)
adornment, x1 adorns/decorates x2; x1 is an | /decoration of x2 =
jadni (jad jai)
adorns, x1 | /decorates x2; x1 is an adornment/decoration of x2 =
jadni (jad jai)
adult, x1 is mature/ripe/fully-grown/ | in development-quality x2 =
makcu (ma'u)
advantage, x1 is a profit/gain/benefit/ | to x2 accruing/resulting from
activity/process x3 = prali (pal)
adversary, x1 is an enemy/opponent/ | of x2 in struggle x3 = bradi
aesthetic, x1 is beautiful/pleasant to x2 in aspect x3 by | standard
x4 = melbi (meb mle)
John Cowan cowan@snark.thyrsus.com ...!uunet!cbmvax!snark!cowan
e'osai ko sarji la lojban.