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Re: TECH: *mo'u

la kolin. cusku di'e

>         nu'i mi .e bau la lojban. cusku
> which means
>         I express, and somebody/thing expresses in Lojban

Minor nit: the "nu'u" before the termset-joint logical connective may
NOT be omitted.  The grammar requires it.  It's officially marked as
elidable, but eliding it in such a context as this requires at least LR(2)
lookahead.  About the only safe context is where an end-of-termset "nu'u"
is followed by a termset-joint "nu'u", in which case one of them can go,
and it turns out to be the second one.

John Cowan      cowan@snark.thyrsus.com         ...!uunet!lock60!snark!cowan
                        e'osai ko sarji la lojban.