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Re: Comments from pc on various issues

John Cowan:
> 2) I am now engaged in writing the paper on anaphora. pc agrees that this
> term has been wildly overextended in the past.  Only the ri-series and
> the go'i-series are truly anaphora (because only they create repetition --
> the literal meaning of the word).  Most other KOhA and GOhA cmavo are in
> fact "deixis" -- they point to something, rather than repeating something.
> This includes the "di'u" and "di'e" series, which point to things in the
> linguistic stream rather than in the Real World, but nonetheless point.

Would anyone be willing to explain these (ri-series, go'i series, KOHA,
GOHA)? I was trying to puzzle it out in the context of the ckafybarja
commentary in the latest ju'i lobypli, but couldn't. (God knows how one
is supposed to learn what the ri-series is: do some people have access
to anything more informative than a BNF grammar and a cmavo list that
has cmavo descriptions of only two or three words?)
