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Re: TECH: more about *mo'u

la kolin. cusku di'e

> But we have been over this before. In general, non-logical connectives
> cannot be expanded.
>         mi ce do casnu
> does not mean the same (probably) as
>         mi casnu .ice do casnu

This is entirely correct.  A minor note:  as part of the last place structure
review, Lojban Central decided to change the x1 of "casnu" from a set to a
mass (see JL16 p. 12); of course, this change is not yet official and people
are still free to be ignorant of it.  :-)

> (Incidentally, .icebo is certainly unnecessary, and I think ungrammatical.
> You need the "bo" after a tag, to prevent it swallowing the following
> sumti or selbri, but ".ice" cannot be confused with "ce".)

The "bo" is not necessary, but is grammatical.  ".icebo" is the close-binding
version of ".ice", just as ".ebo" is the close-binding version of ".e".
Standard joiks don't have a "-bo" flavor for close-binding, but ijoiks do.

> I don't agree. I think that non-logically connected termsets will do the
> job - though they are not grammatical at present.

I am convinced.  I will add this capability to my latest version of the

John Cowan      cowan@snark.thyrsus.com         ...!uunet!lock60!snark!cowan
                        e'osai ko sarji la lojban.