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CAFE.ADV.REV: laka lo jbota'a cu simfrica - revised version

This is a revised version of my coffee-bar text, taking most of Nick's
suggestions (though sometimes I have taken a different tack)

This is a coffee-bar text that many will find difficult. It is written in what I
  believe is grammatical Lojban, but in
several ways is not standard (which is what it is about).
I follow it with a list of lujvo, and a colloquial translation.

        laka lo jbota'a ku simfrica

mi la jbolanzu ckafybarja ku .uicu'i ta'enai vitke .i ge felonu jbojikca ku glek
 i giku'i feloka manku .e le maljuxre seljadni .u'e.o'onai {noi te cpare ku'o} .
 oi na nelci .i ru'a zo'e lenu lo vitke ku leza'i le barju loi cpare ku .u'i.oi
 srana ku krici ku djica .i xajmi pei? .i lei xagrai tcati zo'u: tu'ari na te se
 lfu .iju da va malpezli gi'e seltcita zo kukraitcati zo'onai .oi.ianai

ni'o so'oroiku leni mi djica co jbota'a ku pidu'emei zenba .ijecabo .eiro'i mi l
 e barja ku klama .i le pa krefu belenu go'i zo'u: ki neikla .ije felenu noda ca
 vi jubme jenai zutse bo seljibni .o'onai keiku vi'ajmi .i mi ne'a le so'irnanca
  stunyxazdypre ku co'a zutse .i mi lei {poi folo xagrai ku vi se skicu ku'o} .u
 e maltcati le djabe'i ku cpedu

.i mi mu'ilonu jbota'a ku zvati .iseki'ubo mi fo'u {goi le xazdo ge'u} co'a tav
.i <<lu coi li'u>>
.i <<lu coi pendo ga'inai li'u>> danfu
.i mi ne <<lu .i'a do ma? se krasi li'u>> {noi fi la jbolanzu ku no'e clite .a'
 ucu'i }
.i <<lu .i'a le nalvai jec@ta {poi do na d@juno la'a fi ke'a} cu k@rasi doi pen
 do .i ri dan@s@tuna li'u>>
.i mi punoroi lo {poi ke'a le selcurmi nalvokcrubinselcru ku bacru ku'o} jbota'
 a ku tirna .iseki'ubo co'a se mutcni .isemu'ibo le nunsimta'a ku ranji .au .i c
 usku <<lu ma? le jecta ku cmene .i mi ve'a loi stuna ku puzuze'a litru li'u>>
.i le xazdo ku lenu tilsku ku naldjica li'a .ilu<< .i la'asai do noroi z@vati .
 i mut@ce c@malu ga'inai gi'e pindi gi'e te d@juno so'uda li'u>>
.i <<lu .i ki'uma? do le cmene na cusku .oiri'e .i le poi{ mi ke'a klama ku'o}
 xazdo jecta ku so'amei .i lo poi{ se krasi ri ku'o} prenu ku mi mutcinri li'u>>
.i lenu mi steba je fenki kei poi{ mi punai sanji ku'o} co'a tertai .i mi fi'o
 se naljundi le fo'u smaji danfu co'a kixysku <<lu .i rodo'o noi malxazdo ku'o m
 i'a seirkemxagmaupai .oile'o .i mi ledo cizra jboselcru ku se mutcinri .iku'i d
 o to'erclite selsivni .oi li'u>>

ni'o le jatna bele barja ku tu'ami tirna .i ra <<lu do mo? raktu .o'onai li'u>>
 mo'izo'i krixa .i mi lenu ba'e mi to'erclite tarti kei co'a jimpe .i co'u fenki
  .ije file xazdo ku ckeji ke tatxersku smacru .i le djabe'i le tcati ku sa'enai
  bevri .i ze'a pinxe

ni'o le so'irnanca goi fo'u <<lu lemi j@bosel@c@ru cu ciz@ra ki'a? li'u>> te pre
.i mi ne <<lu .i do sepi'o lo nalvokcrubinselcru ku bacru mu'u zo j@bota'a .i m
 i lenu fetu'ado ta'ajmi ku milxe se nandu li'u>>
.i spuda lu << .i pa'aku go'ira'o .iri'anai lo ka c@laxu lo nal@vok@c@rubinsel@
 c@ru .i mi mil@xe se nandu ri'a lenu do pil@no zo cu na.e leso'i famyma'o .i na
 l@mil@xe sai go'i ri'a lenu lodo sel@b@ri cu so'aroi se lid@ne rolo sum@ti li'u

simfrica        = simxu frica   = mutual-differ
jbojikca        = lojbo jikca   = lojban-interact
maljuxre        = mabla juxre   = derogatory-clumsy
seljadni        = se jadni      = thing adorning
xagrai  = xamgu traji   = good-extreme
malpezli        = mabla pezli   = derogatory-leaf
seltcita        = se tcita      = is-labelled
kukraitcati = kukte traji tcati = tasty-superlative-tea
jbota'a = lojbo tavla   = lojban talk
pidu'emei       = pi du'e mei   = point-too-much-some
neikla  = nenri klama   = in-go
seljibni        = se jibni      = has-something-near
so'irnanca      = so'i nanca    = many-years
stunyxazdypre   = stuna xazdo prenu     = East-Asian-person
maltcati        = mabla tcati   = derogatory tea
djabe'i = cidja bevri   = food-carry
nalvai  = na'e vajni    = not-important
danstuna        = darno stuna   = far-east
selcurmi        = se curmi      = permitted
nalvokcrubinselcru =  na'e voksa bacru jbini se bacru = non-vocalic utterer betw
 een sounds-uttered
mutcni  = mutce cinri   = much interesting (also mutcinri)
tilsku  = tcila cusku   = detail express
naldjica        = na'e djica    = not want
so'amei = so'a mei      = almost-all-some
naljundi        = na'e jundi    = not pay-attention
tertai  = te tarti      = conditions for behaviour
kixysku         = krixa cusku   = cry-out express
malxazdo        = mabla xazdo   = derogative-asian
seirkemxagmaupai = sevzi ke xamgu zmadu pajni = self (good-more-judge)
jboselcru = lojbo se bacru      = lojban- thing-uttered
to'erclite = to'e clite = reverse-of-polite
selsivni        = se sivni              = has-as-private
tatxersku       = tarti xenru cusku = behave-regret-express
smacru  = smaji bacru   = quiet-utter
ta'ajmi         = tavla jimpe   = talk-understand
famyma'o        = fanmo cmavo   = end-cmavo (terminator)
nalmilxe        = na'e milxe    = not-mild

Some remarks about the character. It was amusing writing a jerk. I think I'm
going to use the same prenu again. I do very much believe in lo poi le selbri cu
  se lidne rolo sumti ku'o jbota'a.   I rather more weakly believe in lo
pilno be so'i famyma'o .enai zo cu be'o jbota'a. I certainly do not believe
that they are likely to be the same speaker at the same time!

        Lojbanists aren't all the same!

I'm not a regular at the Jbolanzu coffee-bar. I enjoy talking Lojban, but I disl
 ike the darkness, and the awful decor - climbing implements! Somebody seems to
 want the customers to think the place has climbing connections. And good tea? T
 hey don't serve any, despite having something called "most excellent tea".

Occasionally it gets too much for me and I have to go there. One time, I went in
  and saw there were no tables free. So I sat down near an old Oriental, and ord
 ered some of their 'best' tea.

I'd come to speak Lojban, so I started talking.
        -Hello friend, he answered.
        -Where are you from? (which isn't very polite in the Jbolanzu)
        -A little country you won't have heard of, friend. It's a long way East.
I had never heard anybody talk Lojban with the optional inter-consonantal sound.
  I was very interested, and wanted to continue the conversation.
        -What's the country called? I used to travel widely in the East. But he
 ly didn't want to go into details.
        - I am sure you have never been there. It is very small and poor, and kn
own to
        - Why won't you tell me the name? I've been in almost every country in A
sia, an
 d I am very interested in people from there.
        Then frustration and anger, (that I didn't know I had) took over. Ignori
ng his
 quiet reply, I shouted
        - All you damn Asians think you're better than us. I'm really interested
 in you
 r strange way of talking Lojban, and you're just being rude and secretive!

The manager heard me, and came over, shouting
        -What are you up to?
I realised that I was the one being rude, and my anger vanished. I muttered an a
 pology to the Asian. The waiter brought my so-called tea, and I drank for a whi

Then the old man said
        -How is my Lojban strange?
I answered
        -You use the interconsonantal sound, as in "j@bota'a". I find it a littl
e hard
 to understand you.
He answered
        -I find you hard too. Not because you don't use the interconsonantal sou
nd, but
  I find a little difficulty because you don't use "cu", but use lots of termina
 tors instead. But what I really find hard is the way you usually put your selbr
 i at the end.