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ba'o le snada nu la .andruc. jo'u mi sepi'o ibu. ry. cy. cu tavla vo'a jo'u
la mark. fo la lojban. jo'u la .esperant. kei mi ba jai krefu .ai ca le tcika
beli ji'ireci beila cidjed bei ti goi la britn.
.i .a'o ge la mark gi la nitcion ba jai cumki fai lenu jbota'a mi
.i fi'i ro drata ji'a

(NB this uses a new construction from Cowan's latest 'grammar updates',
viz JAI selbri).

After the success of Andrew's and my using IRC to talk to each other and Mark
in Lojban and Esperanto, we're going to do it again at around 23.00 GMT next
Tuesday. Perhaps both Mark and Nick can join us. And anybody else is welcome
