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Lojban->Prolog: conjunctions

mi .e do cu prami ro lo nanmu gi'e xebni ro lo ninmu


Note: c(C,X,Y) means C(X,Y), where C is some binary conjunction. Here it is
"e", meaning AND.

[c(e, q(la, mi, [], [], c(e, q(ro, _FIPVD, nanmu(_FIPVD, _FIRSQ, _FIRSR, _FIRSS,
 _FIRST), [], prami(mi, _FIPVD, _FIPVE, _FIPVF, _FIPVG)), q(ro, _FISRZ, ninmu(_F
SSC)))), q(la, koha, [], [], c(e, q(ro, _FIPVD, nanmu(_FIPVD, _FIRSQ, _FIRSR, _F
IRSS, _FIRST), [], prami(koha, _FIPVD, _FIPVE, _FIPVF, _FIPVG)), q(ro, _FISRZ, n
inmu(_FISRZ, _FIUPM, _FIUPN, _FIUPO, _FIUPP), [], xebni(koha, _FISRZ, _FISSA, _F
ISSB, _FISSC)))))]


        All x (man x) loves(mi,x) ,
        All y (woman y) hates(mi,x)),
        All x (man x) loves(koha,x) ,
        All y (woman y) hates(koha,y))).

Note that I'm using iota quantification for names and anaphors; this is left
in for ease of anaphor resolution later, and can be stripped out.

Tomorrow I do event abstractions.

Nick S. Nicholas,                      "Rode like foam on the river of pity
CogSci & CompSci student,               Turned its tide to strength
University of Melbourne, Australia.     Healed the hole that ripped in living"
nsn@{munagin.ee|mundil.cs}.mu.oz.au           - Suzanne Vega, Book Of Dreams