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Re: TECH: experimental cmavo "xo'e"

Thus Bob Chassell:

As for the experimental cmavo "xo'e" that started this discussion.
What power!  To eradicate a place means to change a meaning accepted
by a community.  Often, new ideas come from thinking something
differently.  Use of "xo'e" will, I expect, be shocking to listeners.
Its use is a declaration by the speaker that the community's normal
understanding is wrong, if not in general, then in the context in
which the speaker uses "xo'e".


No more so than forming lujvo or, as I think somebody has already
suggested, adding a place with BAI. Even forming tanru has this
sort of creation.
To create a new word, by whatever grammatical means, is neither
shocking nor a declaration of anything except the belief that
the existing resources do not meet the requirement.

My objection to xo'e is that people will treat it as a purely
grammatical manipulation (like SE conversion) rather than
as a significant semantic modification (like BAI or tanru),
and thus use it as a way of avoiding thinking about what they
mean.  Thus

        zbasu fixo'e
        x1 is made/built/assembled of/from x2, but I am denying the
existence, or at least the relevance, of any maker.

I am not entirely sure what this means. I am certain that
it does NOT mean the same as
        te marji
though it may mean
        se pagbu
or      se selci

I relish the capacity of Lojban for giving us forms which we
can more or less understand, but find very hard to translate
into English, or to distinguish from each other in English,
and I see the 'zbasu fixo'e' may be one of these. But I am
still nervous of its propensity to encourage malglico
Going though the fear is strong,     | Colin Fine
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                or conquer your fear,|
But just welcome the moment,         | do se cinri pei? lo rutni bangu
And say Yes to the moment,           | ('Are you interested in
and the Moment is here!              | artificial languages?' in Lojban)