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Re: comments on the batch of lujvo etc. psoted thus far
Comments on some of the comments:
> >milna'u mulno namcu integer (whole-number)
> copies the common metaphor. But the significance of that metaphor
> is lost to most people - it is I think the contrast with fractional
> hence perhaps no'e frinu namcu (they aren't really non-fractional
> since they can be expressed fractionally) or na'e pagbu namcu
Please, not {no'e frinu}. That can be nothing but irrational, i.e.
non-rational, not a fraction.
And how is {na'e pagbu} clearer than {mulno} ?
> >cluna'u culno namcu complex (full-number)
> Complex numbers with only a real and "i" component would be re cimde
> namcu or even plita namcu.
Are there any other complex numbers?
{plite mamcu} sounds good.
> negative numbers might also be fatne namcu or even nonmlecynamcu
> with positive numbers being nonzmadynamcu
Not {fatne namcu}, {fatne} is something like reverse order, like 10, 9, 8, ...
I like the other two.
> >Irrational number would be: no'e frinu namcu => norfrinyna'u
> Per above, I would see this as whole numbers. no'e means neutral on the scale
> and the irrationals are the complement set.
Irrationals are neutral on the scale of being fractions. It is a zero-one scale,
a number either is or is not a fraction.
Is {frinu} the mathematical sense of fraction, or the everyday sense?
> >> brooch X1 is a brooch
> >ra'etci ralte tutci (hold-tool)
> I think you have a dfferent word in mind - pliers is what the local
> group thought your tanru suggested, or possibly wrench. A brooch is
> a jewelry item which is pinned on.
Yes, I was translating the Spanish "broche", which means both "brooch"
and "clip, clasp, fastener".
> >> degree X1 IEC X2 times one degree of angle 1/360 of a circle.
> >julra'o junla radno (clock-radian) (In the same spirit as
> > djacu kelvo for degree Celsius. Clock divisions
> > are integer numbers of degrees)
> a reasonable metaphor if not one that people are likely to recognize. djacu
> kelvo is after all derived from the definition of the Celsius scale.
People won't recognize it, but it's easy to remember once explained. Or
are all lujvo supposed to be self-explanatory?
> Since degrees are a "local" i.e. non-metric angle measurement, it might
> be worthwhile finding out what culture (Greek, Latin, Arabic?) first
> assigned the division of a circle into 360 units, then call it xelso
> radno, or whichever. That would fit the pattern thus far used for local
> units.
I wouldn't say degrees are a "local" unit. Whatever their origin they're
much less so than radians, which are "local" to the scientific community.
> >> roundtrip X1 makes a round trip from X2 to X3 and back, via X4
> >
> >davdevjevdevdavklama :-) (dev is not in the rafsi list but I need it!)
> %^) once we figured it out - using non-standard rafsi often leaves one
> clueless. How about clupa litru or clupa klama
If roundtrip means in a loop, ok. If it means going and coming back via
the same route, then clupa doesn't work.
> >> vertex,point X1 is a vertex (point) of polygon X2 Also for polyhedra
> and
> >> higher dimensions.
> >jipnymokca jipno mokca (vertex-point)
> actually kojna may be the best basis for this one
The definition I have for {kojna} says at-least-three-dimensional.
co'o mi'e xorxes.