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LogFest 94

I have had very little feedback regarding people planning to attend LogFest '94,
our annual gathering here in Fairfax VA (a suburb of Washington DC).  I am 
hoping that more of you are planning to come, especially new people, who have 
an opportunity to learn a lot about the language in a very short time.
(Jorge Llambias, who came to LogFest last year and has since been skilled 
enough oin the language to be considered a leader of the community, should
be able to testify to this).

Expected attendees include John Cowan and his family, John Hodges, 
Karen Stein, Sylvia Rutiser, Jorge Llambias, Athelstan, and of course, Nora
and me and our two kids, who  intermittently show interest in learning Lojban
(they are currently into singing one of Athelstan's little jingles in the
language).  Another half-dozen or so have indicated that they plan to
attend, but that leaves a lot more people out there who could attend, but
from whom we haven't heard (there are some 160 people on pur mailing list
from the Baltimore/Washington metro area alone, and we have often drawn
people for the weekend from all over the country.

LogFest is held at my house, accessible by subway from the train and bus
stations and Washington National airport (so you don;t necessarily need to
drive here).  Peopl start gathering on Friday 15 July, which will be mostly
social in orientation, though we intend to try to label as many things in the
house as possible to make Lojban conversation easier, as a group activity.
Most activities will be on Saturday and Sunday, the 16th-17th  (ideas and
suggestions for activities are still welcomed), and for those brave souls who stick around on Monday, we are going to try to go a full day speaking only
Lojban (this is not necessarily as hard as it sounds, and we will have one
room - if inconvenient, where people can retire to clarify antything that is
too confusing).  The annual meeting of LLG will be held on Sunday, though
the metting should be fairlyu short since there isn't much on the agenda
(anyone present can suggest an agenda item though).

We have sleeping space, and will have food here (let us know of any special
dietary requirtements), and are asking people to voluntary contribute around
$30 to cover expenses for the weekend.

I am intending to have a draft copy of the Lojban dictionary prepared by then,
though it may be VERY drafty (lots of holes left unfilled), and we probably will
also spend some time reviewing and dicsussing John Cowan's reference grammar papers.

WE are also planning group participation on Internet Relay Chat, with two
people on at once from here, as well as Nick Nicholas, Veijo Vilva, Colin Fine,
and anyone else who cares to join in - we haven;t yet set times for this, so
speak up if you have a time preference (give us EDT or UT rather than local
times, if possible).  We also may try a telephone call to one or more
of the above for international Lojban conversation.

Please let me know ASAP if you might (or definitely will) attend, so we can
plan food and logistics.

lojbab                           Note new address:    lojbab@access.digex.net
Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
2904 Beau Lane, Fairfax VA 22031-1303 USA                        703-385-0273
           Ask me about the artificial language Loglan/Lojban.