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The Fifty United States and their Principal Cities:

I list the capital immediatly under the state. This is followed by the
largest city, if different. Other cities might be listed if they meet
my can't-define-it-but-I-know-it-when-I-see-it criteria for "major"
cities. Don't ask.

I have resisted the temptation to translate words like "north" or "new"
into Lojban. My strategy here is to treat the English adjective as part
of the English name, and to simply transliterate both of them.

I understand that "la" is OK in cmene if preceded by a consonant, hence
its use in orlando and atlanta.

Final unstressed "land" syllables changed to "lynd", rather than "lnd"
to avoid ambiguity as to which liquid is the vowel.

Where possible, I made the Lojban name one word. The only exceptions are
cases where I need two strong accents.

At the age of 33, I have no idea how to pronounce "Montpelier, VT". Sorry!

I might not pronounce all these the same way you do. There might be
more than one Lojban spelling that aproximates my pronounciation equally
well. I might have goofed. Here goes:

united states           iunaityd steits
   washington dc           UAcin,tn diCIS

alabama                 alybamas
   montgomery              mantGAmeris
   birmingham              BRminxam
   mobile                  mobil
alaska                  aleskas
   juneau                  dzunos
   anchorage               ANkoridz
   fairbanks               ferbanks
arizona                 arisonas
   phoenix                 finyks
   tuscon                  tusan
   tempe                   tempes
arkansas                ARknsas
   little rock             LItl,rak
california              kalifornias
   sacramento              sakramentos
   san francisco           sanfransiskos
   los angeles             losANdzylys [spanish: losANxeles]
colorado                kolorados
   denver                  denvr
   boulder                 boldr
   pueblo                  pueblos
connecticut             konEtikyt
   hartford                xartfrd
   bridgeport              bridzport
   new haven               nuxevn
delaware                dely,uer
   dover                   dovr
   wilmington              UILmin,tn
florida                 FLOridas
   tallahassee             talyxasis
   jacksonville            DZAKsnvil
   miami                   mai,iamis
   tampa                   tampas
   orlando                 orlandos
georgia                 djordjas
   atlanta                 atlantas
   savannah                syvanas
hawaii                  xyvai'is
   honolulu                xanylulus
idaho                   aidyxos
   boise                   boisis
illinois                ilyNOIS
   springfield             sprinfild
   chicago                 cikagos
indiana                 indi,ianas
   indianapolis            indi,n,Apolis
   gary                    garis
   fort wayne              fort,ue,n
iowa                    AIo,uas
   des moines              deMOIN
kansas                  kansas [!]
   topeka                  topikas
   wichita                 UItcitas
kentucky                kentukis
   frankfurt               frankfrt
   louisville              LUy,vil
louisiana               lu,uisi,anas
   baton rouge             batnRUZ
   new orleans             nu,orLINS [or nu,or,lyns]
maine                   mein
   augusta                 auGYStys
   portland                portlynd
   bangor                  bangr
maryland                merylynd
   annapolis               aNApolis
   baltimore               BALtimor
massachusetts           masyTCUsyts
   boston                  bas,tn
michigan                micygn
   lansing                 lensin
   detroit                 diTROIT
minnesota               minesotas
   saint paul              seintPAL
   minneapolis             mini,Apolis
   duluth                  duLUT
mississippi             misisipis
   jackson                 dzak,sn
missouri                misuris
   jefferson city          DZEfr,sn sitis
   saint louis             seintlu,is
montana                 montanas
   helena                  xelinas
   billings                bilins
nebraska                nebraskas
   lincoln                 lin,kn
   omaha                   Omaxas
nevada                  nevadas
   carson city             kar,sn sitis
   las vegas               lesvegas
new hampshire           nuxamcr
   concord                 kankrd
   manchester              MANtces,tr
new jersey              nudzersis
   trenton                 trenton [!]
   newark                  nu,uark
new mexico              nuMEKsikos
   santa fe                santaFES
   albuquerque             ALbykerkis
new york                nu,IORK
   albany                  albynis
   buffalo                 BYfylos
   rochester               RAtces,tr
   syracuse                sirykius
   binghamton              BINxam,tn
north carolina          nortkarolainas
   raleigh                 rales
   charlotte               carlyt
north dakota            nortdakotas
   bismark                 bismark [!]
   fargo                   fargos
ohio                    oxaios
   columbus                koLYMbys
   cleveland               klivlynd
   cincinnati              sinsinatis (sinsemilla, anybody?)
oklahoma                oklyxomas
   oklahoma city           oklyxomasitis
   tulsa                   tulsas
oregon                  ORegan
   salem                   seilym
   portland                portlynd
   eugene                  iuDZIN
pennsylvania            pen,sl,veinias
   harrisburg              XArisbrg
   philadelphia            filyDELfi,as
   pittsburgh              pitsbrg
rhode island            rodailynd
   providence              PRAvydns
south carolina          sautkarolainas
   columbia                koLYMbi,as
south dakota            sautdakotas
   pierre                  pi,IER
   sioux falls             suFALS
tennessee               tenySIS
   nashville               nacvil
   memphis                 memfis
texas                   teksas
   austin                  aus,tn
   houston                 xius,tn
   dallas                  dalys
utah                    iutas
   salt lake city          saltleiksitis
vermont                 verMANT
   montpelier              mantPEli,er
   burlington              BURlin,tn
virginia                virdzinias
   richmond                ritcmynd
   norfolk                 norfok
washington              UAcin,tn
   olympia                 oLIMpi,as
   seattle                 si,A,tl
west virginia           uestvirdzinias
   charleston              TCAR,l,stn
wisconsin               uiskansin
   madison                 madysn
   milwaukee               miluakis
wyoming                 ui,omin
   cheyenne                cai,AN
   casper                  kaspr