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Lojban List cleanup

I am proposing that we clean up Lojban List, and at the same time determine
which of the addresses being dropped are still valid.  I have 3 files
in our directory.

llbad.out is a list of all addresses currently set to nomail
lldel.out is the same list converted to a series of 'delete' messages
for the listserver.
lldelmsg.out is a proposed message to be sent to all the addresses 
in llbad.out (I don't know how to do long addressee lists in email) telling
them that we are deleting them (since some like Ivan D. actually set themselves

'nomail' on purpose).  Presumably many or most of these will bounce if
the addresses are really no good, and this will allow a records cleanup.
Meanwhile the list will get a bit less noisy with bad addresses.

If you agree with this idea, can you edit the messages in any way you feel
appropriate and send it out, and also send off listserv message (making sure
my syntax is correct)?

I also figure you need to weigh in on xruti and giving a rafsi to "jai",
before any decision can be made.  The debate on preposed relative clauses
needs to wait at least until Colin gets back, even if you understand it
and think it a reasonable idea.  It is too far removed from my current 
focus for me to even think aboiut it now.  That one may or may not be a pc
issue as well, but now he can decide for himself, since by the time Colin gets
back he should be established on the list.

I will give you phone numebrs to reach me while I am gone, probably on
Friday.  We'll be in Michigan from Saturday till THursday, then in Philly
for the 2nd weekend, probably coming back late Sun nite or on Monday (I
am not sure of whether Nora has Monday the 29th off).

WE toyed for a little while into offering to come up your way, but even if it 
fit your schedule, it seemed like a bit too much for one vacation.

Avgust just went to 5mg Ritalin 3 times a day instead of 2.  The last week he
has been especially hyper, and also has been bedwetting every night after
a month dry.  I suspect that he is under some kind of stress, wither from the
end of summer school, our (quickly-aborted) attempt to have hium stop wearing
night-pants, or the impending trip.  Any of the three are sufficient in my 
mind to cause stress problems (I ain't doing well myself - but vacation trips
do that to me; continuingf to make progres on the dictionary file is helping).

As I said in a message to Nick, the latter is at 75%, 6750 lines out of 9020,
with the latter number dropping slowly, as I am dealing with some of the
multi-entries, and finding more of them deletable.  I am still plowing through
Nick's gismu list changes as I go - about 2/3 of the way done with those.
With the kids around all the time, I get less time, but am still managing
200-300 lines on many days, and I suspect that when I get close I will
BLORT out the rest in one marathon day.

You've been quiet.  How are things with you?
