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"any" and misc
- Subject: "any" and misc
- From: Logical Language Group <lojbab>
- Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 05:06:18 -0500
I couldn't find the message quickly that I think I wrote, but perhaps thought
of the examples I used/had in mind.
I believe that any time "lo" is used with a non-existent referent that you
get some degree of intensionality, and it is seeming like the intensionality
is what makes you need the abstraction.
Or perhaps it is the opaqueness, in which case any time you want to make an
opaque statement, there needs to be an abstract sumti present. In either
case, you can come up with a need for an instensional/opaque value in almost
any predicate, and thus, almost any predicate needs an abstraction place.
In addition, we have a phenomena in the language as-used that people use
lujvo to accomplish raising. The resulkt of such lujvo have aplace that
"should" be an abstraction. Thus, if nitcu requires an abstraction, we
might make "tanxynitcu" (box-need) - does this require an abstraction?
kalte - hunt may by a gismu with an implicit raising where it moight be hard
to make it abstract and still be useful. If I am hunting a snark, I am
hunting an event.
do any of thes ehelp?
ni'o the othjer loose end besides the bogus list is our non-accomplishing
committees. We have two overseas Lojbanists, maybe three, who would like
LogFlash and have been confused by the ftp site that says that the logflash.zip
up there is the executable (which it is not - it is the update files).
If we are going to put Logflash up on a shareware basis, we need that bloody
license written so Nora can put it in the program.
There was a second committee - oh yeah., looking into making a Lojban newsgroup.
It also has done nothing as far as I know.
We need a better way than LogFest committees to get things done. Once a
committee forms at LogFest, I feel hand-tied and reluctant to interfere
when the committee doesn't do anything.
In any event, we need to resolve the two issues that were put to committees
(and any others I have forgotten). Nora has finsihed the minutes, and I need
to get them out. We should also look at the calendar for next LogFest, so
we aren;t trying to scheduyle it in January when Hodges needs an answer the
next day to put in for his vacation. I think we had a consensus that August
might be better than July - maybe around 8/15 (whenever the weekend then is).
I will be gone from Fri eve. till Mon eve., so the mail queue may be large
over the weekend.