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Re: Some thoughts on Lojban gadri
> The term "massification" suggests to me what you understand "loi" to
> mean, but the traditional discussion in terms of Trobrianders'
> alleged Mr Rabbit leads me to think Bob has it right.
I thought that discussion was about Loglan "lo", which doesn't map well
to any of the Lojban gadri. For most cases of Mr Rabbit, {lo'e ractu}
seems to make more sense.
> I understand "loi" to involve a kind of denial of differentiation
> between members of a category, not so that they all merge together
> in a porridgey blob, but so that we cannot tell the difference
> between one instance of Mr Broda and another instance.
> But if I have this right, a default of "pisuho loi" doesn't make
> much sense.
Exactly. Also the porridgey blob is very useful, especially in the
case of {lei}.
(And if you want to consider the body as a "mass" of cells, another
of the favoured examples, you better allow for differences among the