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Re: replies re. ka & mamta be ma

> > > I haven't changed my mind. So far, I think, your versions have just
> > > pertained to lohe glipre.
> > Then put {rolo} instead of {lo'e}. If that still doesn't satisfy you,
> > then say for god's sake what you want to express, because I just keep
> > guessing your intentions.
> In general, if an Englishman likes whisky his taste is acquired. As I've
> said {lohe glipre poi vusnei la .uiskis} or {lohe ka vusnei la .uiskis.
> kei be lo glipre} would do the job. So there isn't anything I've been
> saying is still unsayable.

If you want for all Englishmen to be either non-drinkers of whiskey or
acquirers of taste for it somettimes in their life, then

rolo glipre noroi ja pu'o vusnei la .uiskis.

If your 'in general' means most of the people (all the normal Englishmen)
satisfy the abovve clause, then

lo'e glipre noroi ja pu'o vusnei la .uiskis.

If you claim that ALL Englishmen acquire their taste for whiskey, so
it is a regular fact about Englishmen that they like whiskey at one point
in their life or another, then

rolo glipre pu'o vusnei la .uiskis.

All three of these variants have beeen in the mail before and you liked
none of them. If you still cannot fiind  your intended (sentence, that
is :)), then *please* be more precise. .e'ocai.

> Jorge:
> > > > > > > How would you say "the mothers of Jorge and And"?
> Wouldn't work for the siblings example, of course.

Why don't you take lojbab's advice? I think he had theright idea
(actually, I've thought of it myself, he beat me to the kbd :))

rolo mamta or whatever la .and. ba'e joi la xorxes.
(I'm not at home, no vlaste here, I haven't the faintest clue
how does one say 'sibling')

co'o mi'e. goran.

Learn languages! The more langs you know, the more incomprehensible you can get