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selbri as sumti

I have tried to ask this question before, but never fruitfully.
I find examples of things that behave like both selbri and sumti.
I am too ignorant to know what is going on.

How can we say "I always do my shopping on the same day of the
This seems to me to involve (a) existential quantification over
days of the week {Monday or Tuesday or ... or Sunday }, and
then (b) universal quantification over the result of (a) (i.e.
over instances of that day of the week).

The best I can do is:
  da poi jefydje zohu I shop ca ro me da
which has the drawbacks of (a) the vagueness of {me}, and
(b) the necessity of using the prenex.

Jefydje is a category whose members are categories themselves.

"I ate a strange kind of fish". What I ate was not strange.
This seems to me to mean:
 (a) X is the category of subcategories of the category of fish
 (b) Ey X(y), strange(y)
 (c) Ez Y(z), I ate (z)
Same goes for "She trod on a rare beetle", etc.

"Today I performed my quotidian activities":
  (a) X is a subcategory of the category of my activities
  (b) Quotidian(X)
      [Where if Quotidian(X) then Ad day(d) Ez X(z) & z happens
       on d]
  (c) Ey X(y) I performed y
